Xone K2 custom A-B mapping for TPro 3

Description and Instructions

Simple 2 Deck mapping which activates following set of features.

- Cue

- Play

- Sync

- Flux

- Master Deck Selector

- Tempo Bend

- Tempo Adjust (and fine tempo adjust)

- Reverse

- Flux Reverse

- Loop Set

- Loop Active On

- Loop Size Selector

- Move or Loop Move (if is in Active loop)

- Beatjump

- Channel, Gain, Eq and Monitor

- Mixer FX Activate, Adjust and Selector

- Gain, Eq and Mixer FX Reset

- Eq Kill Low, Mid and High

- Center Detent Indicators (for mixer controls)

- Deck is "On Air" Indicator

- Jump to Track Start

- Browser View toggle

- Scroll Favorites

- Scroll Tree

- Scroll List

- Hotcues Layer toggle

- Set Hotcue 1-8

- Delete Hotcue 1-8

Click on https://traktormaps.com/ if you need help with custom mappings for Traktor

PayPal.Me/vstimidi for donations.

Like share and all that good stuff. Enjoy!
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.3.0
GnarlsVane about 2 years ago
Hi, Does this mapping utilize Latch Layers or should I have them turned off in order for it to work?
Stewe about 2 years ago

No Latching Layers on any of my mappings. Those suck because it is impossible to have multiple colors in a single layout. I used modifiers instead.

shell89 over 2 years ago
hello, its a great mapping. I tried it but I noticed that fx section doesnt work. i cant on/off, dry wet and control FX's via my K2
Stewe over 2 years ago

Hi, this mapping doesn't support FX Units in Traktor. You can still apply and control the MIxer FX with this mapping.

Ben almost 3 years ago
Beginner K2 user. Haven’t picked up Traktor for 6/7 years. This made life so much easier, thanks
Ben almost 3 years ago
Beginner K2 user. Haven’t picked up Traktor for 6/7 years. This made life so much easier, thanks
Zigang about 3 years ago
Dear Stewe, Thank you very much for your time in updating this mapping, everything now works exactly as you intended. Very handy mapping with the feedback indication, just great. Thank you! Zigang