Twister script for 16 Macros (Selected Track)

Description and Instructions

This mapping is designed to be used alongside Ableton Push or any oither grid based controller that has only 8 rotary knobs. Worth noting this is Bank 1 only and side buttons are not mapped. You can use this 16 macros control as a base and then build any other features that you don't already have in your setup.

Since this script is not natively supported you will need to check the following article in case that you don't know how to install 3rd-party scripts like this one.

If you’d like to know how to make your own scripts without needing to code then you can use Control Surface Studio like I did. It’s pretty intuitive and provided are templates for editing!
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
DiverGens 14 days ago
Thanks for this useful mapping_ The only comment concern the location of the Python script on Mac_ It must be copied in the Reomte Scripts folder in the Application content: in /Ableton/ -> Right click -> show package contents. Navigate to contents/app-resources/MIDI Remote Scripts and copy the folder with pyc files