[Traktor] Livid CNTRL:R Ultimate tool

Description and Instructions

Hi guys,

Short info on feature content:
-Triple deck focus
-15 bank selectors
-Instant effects
-Isolator FX
-Full LED feedback
-Remix Deck functionality

This mapping is quite big to post all details here in description and due that reason I'll share a link to my thread in DJTT mapping forum where you can find all information related to this Traktor tool.

DJTT: http://forum.djtechtools.com/showthread.php?t=68678&p=594671#post594671

You can now choose to PayPal.Me/vstimidi if you wish to support my work. The donation is not required as this mapping will always be for free here.


Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.2.0
sebastian almost 11 years ago
im trying to load your TSI,. the tractor receives the midi signal, but when i assign the different´s modes the hardware doesn't response, did you know what im doing wrong? its could be the version of traktor ?
Stewe almost 11 years ago

Be sure to send data in correct MIDI channel. Follow the link in description for details about installation.

sebastian almost 11 years ago

got the mapping, the only thing not working for me now rings color knoobs center. I have to fix it from the editor? thanks

ayjes over 11 years ago
Bought the CNTRL:R only because of Stewe's mappings. So glad i did!! Amazing work!
Stewe about 10 years ago

Hey, it's also a great controller :)

alhdita over 11 years ago
what version of this traktor? what mac os version? i try many time but doesnt work....thanx
Stewe over 11 years ago

Run 2.6 and above. The .tsi files are not restricted to any OS and certain versions. They should work as long as you're using supported Traktor version and when your controller is selected at MIDI I/O port.