Midi Fighter 3D mapping for Serato Stems
Description and Instructions
Simple mapping for Serato Stems on all 4 Decks and 2 Effect Panels with support for full LED feedback for all controls.
Bank 1 = Decks 1 and 2
Bank 2 = Decks 3 and 4
Bank 3 = Effects 1 and 2
Tilt to Front = FX Panel 1 + FX Panel 2 Parameter 1 Adjust (FX Slot 1)
Tilt to Left = FX Panel 1 + FX Panel 2 Parameter 2 Adjust (FX Slot 2)
Tilt to Right = FX Panel 1 + FX Panel 2 Parameter 3 Adjust (FX Slot 3)
1. First import the provided MFS file in the Midifighter Utility and click on "Send to Midifighter" to apply new settings to the device.
2. Load the provided XML file into Serato. If you don't already know how to load the MIDI Preset (mapping) in Serato the instructions can be find on the following link: (https://support.serato.com/hc/en-us/articles/219823647-How-to-load-custom-MIDI-Presets)

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Danny Goldfarb 12 months ago
I just downloaded this. It seems to be working great with Serato! I'll update after a gig or two, but so far so good. The lights work perfectly.