Kontrol S4 MK3 Preview Button Toggle

Description and Instructions

With S4 MK3 default mapping, one have to hold down the Preview button in order to hear the playback. This mapping changes this functionality from "hold" into "toggle" type button action.
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Comments for v0.1.0
PJ over 3 years ago
How does this mapping work? I already use modifiers 1 and 2 so I tried recreating it with modifiers 4 and 5 instead but it doesn't work, the track unloads when the preview button is released. I only see modifiers mapped, not the preview player so i'm a little confused.
eRiC almost 6 years ago
Super ! Same function than mk2! What action did you map on the play ? How do you load the track into decks ? Thanks
Stewe almost 6 years ago

Thanks. I only edited the Preview button all remaining controls are same as default map.