MF3D_Remix Deck C-D

Description and Instructions

Use this mapping to switch between controlling Remix Decks C or D. Plus, two additional banks with some handy transport controls. Check the image down below for more information.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
John franchio over 9 years ago
What is the utility file for? Should I change the firmware on my mf3d?
Stewe over 9 years ago

You should use standard firmware for this mapping (not Remix Deck firmware). The Utility file contains the Midi Fighter Settings (.mfs) that you have to Import in the Midifighter Utility software. Once it's imported and sent to Midifighter your controller settings will be updated and 3D will be able to communicate with the mapping.

trabz over 9 years ago
Not working for me either for my remix deck C I don't understand
maks almost 10 years ago
I couldn't control remix decks with my MF3D since 2.6.8 or something, thanks dude, verry nice mapping, it seems so good i will try it on a live set.
Luan Carlesso about 10 years ago
Thank you so much! Since 2.7 I couldn't control remix decks with my MF3D