Z2 Stems Mute Pads
Description and Instructions
This mapping only adds one additional pad mode to utilize Stem Mute feature on your Z2's. All native mapping features are still working.
The button mapping highlight:
FLUX Long Press = Stems Mute Mode (Toggle)
PAD 1 = Stem 1 Mute (Toggle)
PAD 2 = Stem 2 Mute (Toggle)
PAD 3 = Stem 3 Mute (Toggle)
PAD 4 = Stem 4 Mute (Toggle)
SHIFT + PAD 1 = Stem 1 FX On (Toggle)
SHIFT + PAD 2 = Stem 2 FX On (Toggle)
SHIFT + PAD 3 = Stem 3 FX On (Toggle)
SHIFT + PAD 4 = Stem 4 FX On (Toggle)
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Pouil about 18 hours ago
Ce mapping ne fonctionne pas chez moi, lorsque j’appuie longuement sur "flux" cela mute bien le stem mais créer un "point cue" en même temps... Les boutons on/off des FX de la table ne fonctionne plus non plus.
Stewe 5 months ago
It absolutely does not display correct colors, that functionality does not exist inside the COntroller Manager of Traktor. Just be happy with what you got.