Kontrol S8 Sample Cell Delete

Description and Instructions

This mapping allows for deleting sample cells in a Remix Deck.

Select Remix Deck C or D.

Hold "REMIX" button and press pads to empty sample cells.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
Marcus Partridge about 4 years ago
Love it- just what I was looking for.
KidVector over 4 years ago
The core functionality is there as described and works well, however It causes issues with the expected behaviour of some buttons. On DECK A or B the REMIX button doesn't switch the 8 pads to the remix deck. Holding SHIFT + CUE on DECK A doesn't jump back to the start of the track any more but does on DECK B.
Moo over 5 years ago
Thanks a lot works perfectly : )