DJTT Kontrol S2 MK2 (Beaubryte)
Description and Instructions
This mapping is for the Kontrol S2 Mk2, find the Mk1 version here:
New Update: Added Traktor Pro 3 features
DJTT Traktor Pro 2 and 3 mapping for N.I. Kontrol S2 MK2
This Kontrol S2 MK2 mapping is clear, convenient and also very powerful.
It is designed and maintained by DJTT Beaubryte.
It has good LED feedback and everything is setup properly.
It's a fully loaded mapping for anyone, with many useful tweaks added to N.I.'s standard mapping and DJTT JogFX. Some of the extra features on top of the default mapping are:
Beat Tap - JogFX - Echo Mods - Browser Mod - Headphone Mod - Master Clock Tempo - Preview Player - Key Adjust - 4 FX units - Deck C+D Mixer Controls - Quick load next track - FX presets - Instant FX - FX Off after loading - FX Panel Switches - Adjust Tempo by 0.01 BPM - Any Shift On Mixer - Silent Pitch Fader Reset - Move Loop In/Out Cues - Master Deck Leds - Beat Phase Leds - Loop Recorder or Remix Decks - Flux Mode - Macro FX - TimeCode Vinyl Support - Freeze Mode - Mixer FX and more.
Basically you got all standard features plus DJTT JogFX and many major improvements!
If you want a complete but straightforward mapping suitable for performing, this is for you.
It has automated features, like turn off fx after loading, automatically switch headphones and more. Also, this mapping comes with some FX presets, These are VERY easy to change in the controller manager by sorting comments. Read the manual for ALL features and more tips.
What's new in v4.0.0?
- Native mapping support for Hotcues LED Feedback.
- Native mapping support for Sample Cells LED Feedback.
- Added Traktor Pro 3 features (Reverse Playback and Mixer FX Selector)
-Bug fixes and other improvements.
Deck set up: 2 track decks + 2 sample decks in Native HID Mode.
Mixer section for Deck C+D available while holding shift.
This one comes with 2 .Tsi mappings:
One with Gain=Gain and One with Gain=Filter.
Sync button updated!
Tap Sync = Deck Sync toggle
Hold Sync = Secondary Shift function
(With deck playing: Hold Sync button for a second and it will start to flash)
When you see Sync button flash:
Sync + Turn Gain = Scroll Mixer FX (0-1-2-3-4)
Sync + Push Gain = Insert Filter
Sync + Cue = Flux Reverse Playback
Sync + Play = Reverse Playback
FX unit 1 + 2 = Main FX decks with full controls and many presets.
FX unit 3 + 4 = only for JogFX mode and Echo Mods.
Freeze Mode:
Shift + Loop In Button = Enable Freeze Mode
Shift + Loop Out Button: Disable /Reset Freeze Mode
Freeze Mode: Turn Loop Size Knob = Adjust Slice Size
Freeze Mode: Shift+ Turn Loop Size Knob = Adjust Slice Count
Jog FX Mode:
Use the Jog wheel for controlling effects.
Press Shift+Tempo Reset button to Activate JogFX.
Hold Shift+Turn JogWheel to change preset.
Echo Mods:
Mod 1:
Shift+Left Loop Active Knob to activate an Echo Delay in FX Unit 4.
Mod 2:
Shift+Right Loop Set Knob to activate a Ramp Delay in FX Unit 4.
EQ / PFL / Volume Faders:
Deck A+B by default,
Deck C+D mixer section available while holding Shift.
Beat Tap: Use the Shift buttons.
Beat Tap A = Hold Right Shift + Tap Left Shift
Beat Tap B = Hold Left shift + Tap Right Shift
Set Master Clock Tempo:
Deck A: Left Shift+ Left Sync = Set To Master Deck
Right Shift + Left Sync = Set To Master Clock
Deck B: Right Shift + Right Sync = Set To Master Deck
Left Shift + Right Sync = Set To Master Clock
(The Cue Transport buttons LEDS will be lit on the Master Deck)
Silently Reset Pitch Faders without changing Tempo:
Left Deck: Hold Right Shift + Move Left Pitch Fader
Right Deck Hold Left Shift + Move Right Pitch Fader
Fine Adjust Tempo by 0.01 BPM
For very accurate manual beat matching: Hold Shift+ Turn Left Loop Move Knob to increase or decrease the tempo with small steps. This knob works exactly the same as the pitch fader, so it's only usable when the deck is master, or sync is (half) off or awaiting.
Cue Monitor:
Cue A/B = Headphone monitor Deck A+B
Shift Cue A/B = Headphone monitor Deck C+D
Headphones will automatically jump to other deck when a next track is loaded!
Shift + Play = Key lock On
Shift + Tempo fader = Key Adjust
Shift + Sync = Set To Master
Cue = Rewind to start
Shift + Cue = Cue set
Shift +Sample Mode A = Snap On
Shift +Sample Mode B = Quantize On
Left Knob: Beatjump / Loop Active
Right Knob: Set Loop Size / Set Loop
Shift + Press Left Knob = Echo Mod 1
Shift + Press Right Knob = Echo Mod 2
Shift + Turn Left Knob A = Fine Adjust Tempo fader by 0.01 bpm
Shift + Turn Right Knob A= Toggle Flux Mode A
Shift + Turn Left Knob B = Toggle Flux Mode B
Shift + Turn Right Knob B= Fine Adjust Tempo fader by 0.01 bpm
Loop Buttons: Set Loop In/out points, Flashing while using Echo Mod 1/2.
Shift+Loop In/Out+Jog Wheel = Move Loop in and Out points
Load A+B = Load Track in A/B
Shift + Load A+B = Load next track to deck.
Turn Browse Knob = Scroll list
Shift + Browse Knob = Scroll Favorites
Browse Button = Toggle Full Browser View
After switching to browser searches can be typed instantly.
Shift+Browse Knob = Scroll Collection
press CUE A or B to preview a track in the preview player
Press Shift+Cue 1-4 to load sample from list into that slot.
Flux Mode On/Off
-The easy way: Flux Button
-On the fly:
Deck A: Hold Right Shift and press any HotCue on deck A
Deck B: Hold Left Shift and press any HotCue on deck B
Flux Button:
-Press to activate FLUX Mode
-Hold Shift and Press to Activate JogFX Mode
-Hold the other deck's Shift and press to Reset Tempo
TimeCode Control for Traktor Scratch
Shift+Loop IN = Enable Scratch Mode
Shift+Loop IN = Set Vinyl mode to Relative
Shift+Loop OUT= Calibrate
Flux Button + Other Deck's shift = Reset to Turntable Speed
Play = Set to Internal Player
There's more! Read the manual to see all features!
Please rate this mapping if you like it!

DJ Techtools about 5 years ago
This mapping is updated to reflect Traktor Pro 3.