DJTT Novation Dicer Mapping

Description and Instructions

DJTT Novation Dicer mapping for Traktor Pro.

For more info, see:
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.0.0
Jamie about 11 years ago
My second page is a flange and one of my 3 fx on the third page is a rubbish bouncer :( please fix asap
Josh over 11 years ago
My beatmashers also default to delays? Also beatmasher on mode 3 is a delay, filter defaults to T3 delay and buttons 4&5 not working? using TSP 2.5.1. Any help much appreciated. Not great at midi mapping - have tried to change effect selector on a couple of them with no luck? THanks Josh
Jeremy almost 11 years ago

Do you know if this was ever sorted?

Jon b UK almost 12 years ago
My second page also defaults to delay.
tompz almost 12 years ago
am I missing something here? my Page 2 effect defaults to delay when you said it was beatmasher. Have I missed a setup step here please? Ta