MF Pro Beat Masher Mapping
Description and Instructions
The v2.4 download file for this mapping contains a .mfs file (to import settings for your MF Pro in the MF Utility) and two mapping files (Focus version for all 4 decks, FocusAB for two decks). There is not currently a Deck Specific (i.e., 1 MF Pro per Deck) version but one will be made if there is demand.
If you are having trouble using the Focus to switch decks you need to go into Traktor's Preferences->Global Settings->Deck Focus set to "Software".
Please use the Large Import button on the bottom left section of the Preferences window to import this mapping.
If you are adding this mapping in addition to others use the Add...->Import in the Controller Manager. This will import the mapping without overwriting the existing mappings but will not import any other tsi related settings.
After doing so, please go into the Controller Manager section of Preferences and set the appropriate In-Ports and Out-Ports for your MF Pro Beat Masher.
The core 4x4 arcade button part of this mapping takes concepts from both the Deckalized mapping and theInstant Gratification mapping; however, it is not a direct combination of both. For example, Shift+Record will still trigger Juggle Mode when not "Recording". However, if you press Shift+Record while "Recording" you will find that the "Sample Slicer" functionality has dramatically changed.
EDIT: The Focus mappings are now available to download below. To move the Deck Focus around, Press the Shift button + the Sync button. "Focus" will move from Decks A->B->C->D->A, but "Focus AB" moves from A->B->A.
If you would like to see the original forum thread for this mapping, you can do so here:
If you are having trouble using the Focus to switch decks you need to go into Traktor's Preferences->Global Settings->Deck Focus set to "Software".
Please use the Large Import button on the bottom left section of the Preferences window to import this mapping.
If you are adding this mapping in addition to others use the Add...->Import in the Controller Manager. This will import the mapping without overwriting the existing mappings but will not import any other tsi related settings.
After doing so, please go into the Controller Manager section of Preferences and set the appropriate In-Ports and Out-Ports for your MF Pro Beat Masher.
The core 4x4 arcade button part of this mapping takes concepts from both the Deckalized mapping and theInstant Gratification mapping; however, it is not a direct combination of both. For example, Shift+Record will still trigger Juggle Mode when not "Recording". However, if you press Shift+Record while "Recording" you will find that the "Sample Slicer" functionality has dramatically changed.
EDIT: The Focus mappings are now available to download below. To move the Deck Focus around, Press the Shift button + the Sync button. "Focus" will move from Decks A->B->C->D->A, but "Focus AB" moves from A->B->A.
If you would like to see the original forum thread for this mapping, you can do so here:

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
DJ Techtools almost 12 years ago
If anyone would like an updated Deck Specific version of this mapping (i.e. 1 MF Pro only controls one specific deck), please comment here to let me (flashflooder) know. This is mainly only useful if you use 2 MF Pro's with each controlling one specific deck
sharm almost 12 years ago
same please!
KHDZ over 9 years ago
I'd like one also if still available.
jamie lessiter almost 9 years ago
do you have one for cue master because the buttons are messed up it was fine last year but now its not going very good
meroje almost 12 years ago
requesting for deck specific version mapping. Thanks in advance!!!