Midi Fighter Twister mapping for Traktor Pro 4
Description and Instructions
This mapping is designed as a suplementary controller to your main DJ controller or a mixer and it offers basic control over two fx units, one pattern player and stem deck controls for Deck A and Deck B. Ensure to have Traktor Pro 4.0.0 or newer version installed on your computer.
Side buttons:
Left-side button 1: FX Unit 3 Mode (Group-Single-Pattern)
Left-side button 2: Selects Bank 1 in firmware (This is page 1 with Stem switches and FX Units knobs and buttons)
Left-side button 3: Selects Bank 2 in firmware (This is page 2 with 16-step Pattern editor buttons of FX Unit 3)
Right-side button 1: FX Unit 4 Mode (Group-Single-Pattern)
Right-side button 2: Selects Bank 1 in firmware (This is page 1 with Stem switches and FX Units knobs and buttons)
Right-side button 3: Selects Bank 2 in firmware (This is page 3 with 16-step Pattern editor buttons of FX Unit 3)
With your main mapping already installed, click on smaller "Add..." button and then select "Import from disc" from the drop-down menu.
With your main mapping already installed, click on smaller "Add..." button and then select "Import from disc" from the drop-down menu.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Richard Moogan 6 months ago
Love this! So great to see the old DJT pushing boundaries again.
Would love to see a version that does 4 decks:
1-4 Effects send
5-8 Drums
9-12 Bass/Other
13-16 Vocals
I'd pay for that!
mfazekas 7 months ago
loading the settings via midi fighter utility doesn't do anything; i've used for other mappings - but this one doesn't seem to have the correct ones?
mfazekas 7 months ago
Needed a reboot and a few reflashes of the firmware, but seems to be working now.
Stewe 7 months ago
Normally those are 99% user errors, the mapping obviously works as you can see on the video.
Richard Moogan 6 months ago
EDIT: Love this! So great to see the old DJT pushing boundaries again. Would love to see a version that does 4 decks: 1-4 Effects send / 5-8 Drums / 9-12 Bass&Other / 13-16 Vocals - I'd pay for that!