Traktor Sequencer

Description and Instructions

The Midi Fighter Twister Sequencer mapping turns Traktor's Remix Decks into a powerful four voice step sequencer.

The mapping download contains mapping for both deck C & deck D, allowing two Midi Fighter Twisters to be used simultaneously.

This mapping requires Traktor 2.6.8 to work so make sure you update your software if you are having issues.

NOTE: If you get all RED LEDs make sure you follow this guide.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.4.0
John Bergman about 2 years ago
How do I select all 16 samples with the top encoder? It seems to only select the first three pages.
Artur over 3 years ago
Hi. I have one but cruicial problem with this sequencer. I doesn't saves modified sequences. Each time i plug it in I have to change the preconfigured sequences from the beginning. I use it with traktor 3 pro. looking forward to hearing from you.
dj moop over 3 years ago

I believe you need to save any changes as snapshots.

daPhoenix303 about 4 years ago
Hello! Two questions: I get bufferunderuns when i've connected the twister (in sequencer mode) and press sync button on Kontrol F1 with tekken's ultimate mapping. if i switch to midi mode the dropouts are not reproducible. any idea? Even with big sample buffer 1024 10 samples are dropped on every press. of the sync button of the F1. Second: How do I select samples from the grid between slot 12 and 16 in sequencer mode?
Stewe about 4 years ago

1) Sounds like the problem with your computer having a hard time with the "Send Monitor State" command in Tekken's mapping, go ahead and see if optimizing your system helps: ( ... 2) Samples 12-16 are not selectable since the sequencer can trigger only 11 samples in a Remix Deck.

daPhoenix303 about 4 years ago
Hello! Two questions: I get bufferunderuns when i've connected the twister (in sequencer mode) and press sync button on Kontrol F1 with tekken's ultimate mapping. if i switch to midi mode the dropouts are not reproducible. any idea? Even with big sample buffer 1024 10 samples are dropped on every press. of the sync button of the F1. Second: How do I select samples from the grid between slot 12 and 16 in sequencer mode?
Roy Claessen over 4 years ago
Hey guys, I have a syncing issue with the midi fighter twister sequencer & the remix decks in traktor. I' ve tried reinstalling everything, I use master clock tempo, sync is on for every sample,.. I've been testing the whole day but I can't get it to work. Maybe there's a problem with the internal sequencer of the MFTwister? I saw a post down here of 3 years ago of people who had the same problem.