DJTT VCI-100SE v4.1 Mapping (TPro 2)
Description and Instructions
PLEASE NOTE: The video above is a tutorial for the v3 VCI-100SE mapping. Most of the main functions are the same in v4; however, you can read a list of the differences between v3 and v4 below.
You can find the original forum thread for this mapping here:
After long anticipation, the initial version of the VCI-100SE v4.0 mapping for Traktor Pro 2 is here. Please note that this mapping has been designed to utilize Traktor Pro 2 functions and the mapping will not work with earlier Traktor versions.
The core of the mapping shares a lot of similarities to the v3.6.4 VCI-100 mapping; however, there are a number of key changes as follows (I am going to reference things based on the current overlay text):
There are some other small changes within the mapping, but those listed above are all of the major changes. This is an initial release of DJTT's new Traktor Pro 2 mapping for the VCI-100SE, updates to follow if necessary.
Please use regarding the mapping's functionality.
EDIT: In v4.1, a few minor bugs and LED issues were fixed. Also, Shift+the Jog wheel no longer sets Cue Points on the fly. Now, Shift+Jog turn will seek through a track (with scratch on or off).
You can find the original forum thread for this mapping here:
After long anticipation, the initial version of the VCI-100SE v4.0 mapping for Traktor Pro 2 is here. Please note that this mapping has been designed to utilize Traktor Pro 2 functions and the mapping will not work with earlier Traktor versions.
The core of the mapping shares a lot of similarities to the v3.6.4 VCI-100 mapping; however, there are a number of key changes as follows (I am going to reference things based on the current overlay text):
- The section in the Top Right section of the controller (formerly "Sampler" section) is now the Loop Recorder. The "Sampler" button will Rec the Loop Recorder and then play it afterwards. Pressing the Sampler button again after having recorded will overdub (re-record) the Loop Recorder. Shift+Sampler button will delete the Recorded Loop. The source of the Loop Recorded is not controlled by the mapping and should be set by you (e.g., main, cue, ext, aux).
- The "Vol" knob controls the Loop Rec Dry/Wet
- The "Glitch" knob control the Loop Rec Length
- The "Len" knob controls overall Master Volume
- The "Loops" section of the "Control FX" section in the upper right side of the VCI is now the "Sample Deck" section which controls Deck D as a Sample Deck.
- While in the "Sample Deck" section the knobs will control the volume of each four sample slots of Deck D.
- If you press the labeled "A" & "B" buttons in the "Sample" section and there is not currently a sample loaded into that slot, it will copy the current loop from Deck A (or a loop based on the current loop length setting) into the corresponding Sample Slot in Deck D and as you let go of the button (wait to see the button LED light up first, it only takes a split second) it should seamlessly pause Deck A and unpause the Sample slot. The same goes for buttons "C" and "D" for Deck B.
- If a sample slot is occupied, the button LED should be lit to indicate this and the button will then mute/unmute the corresponding sample slot.
- A sample within a Sample slot can be delete by pressing Shift+Sample slot button
- If you have a Loop saved in the Loop Recorder, you can move it to a Sample Slot by pressing "Route FX" and then a Sample slot button (while in "Sample Deck" mode). It will move the Loop Recorder into a Sample slot but it will not stop the Loop Recorder from playing or unmute the just loaded Sample slot.
- If Decks C or D are used as Sample Decks, all of the tempo, pitch bend, scratch, play, cue, eq, filter, loop/2,x2 (alters length of sample), loop 8 (sets sample to original length) and volume controls affect all four sample slots for the corresponding Sample Deck.
- If Decks C or D are used as Sample Decks, you can utilize "Juggle 1-4" mode to trigger individual Samples within that Sample Deck.
- All EQ knobs and Gain knobs can now be used in "Soft takeover" mode if you hold Shift while turning the knob
- Fader FX now only uses FX bank 1 for all Decks. The controls are the same except that FX bank 1 is activated on the currently active two decks (left and right) by pressing the corresponding Jog Wheel or moving the Volume Fader downwards. FX1 can be turned off either deck by moving the corresponding Volume Fader back to the top position.
- Triggering the FX Presets has changed. You now need to only press the corresponding FX Preset push button to load that FX Preset into FX bank 1. You will still need to push it twice to properly load the presets (once to change effects, twice to change effect parameter rates)
There are some other small changes within the mapping, but those listed above are all of the major changes. This is an initial release of DJTT's new Traktor Pro 2 mapping for the VCI-100SE, updates to follow if necessary.
Please use regarding the mapping's functionality.
EDIT: In v4.1, a few minor bugs and LED issues were fixed. Also, Shift+the Jog wheel no longer sets Cue Points on the fly. Now, Shift+Jog turn will seek through a track (with scratch on or off).

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Promo over 10 years ago
Hello DJ Techtools Team.
I can not use this 4.1 mapping anymore. I can not scratch and have also no pitch bend. When i install the previos mapping 3.6.4 then it works. But the problem this mapping was not function perferctly as the v.4.1
Please help!
EMJAYSTRANGER almost 8 years ago
I had the exact opposite problem. The scratch and pitch stopped working on 3.6.4 for the 1.3 firmware, but then put on the one for 1.4 (still 3.6.4) and it all came back to life. Hoping I dont have the same problem with this 4.1 map. On a side note, I have got the APC40 stem mapping for C&D.. How the heck can I get this mapping to drop the C&D and let the APC run either remix decks or stem decks pending on the preference? Easy to do or a re-map job? Thanks folks.
Alex almost 11 years ago
Using this mapping, how do I go to start of track, or previous/next cue point (without having them numbered)
Thank You
MostFamous about 12 years ago
Work this Mapping also for FW 1.3 ? Or is it than Better i go for 3.6.4??
DJ Techtools almost 12 years ago
should also work with fw 1.3. v3.6.4 was just a very solid and popular version prior to Traktor 2.5.
DJ Techtools over 10 years ago
Sorry to keep you waiting, as I have no device to test it right now. Please hang on, will get back to you