Akai AMX All-In-One Traktor Mapping (DJ Estrela July 2019 Edit)

Description and Instructions

2019 AKAI AMX v1.0.1 - All-In-One Mapping - DJ Estrela March 2019
IMPORTANT: To start the mapping, press the MAIN SHIFT button when all lights are “on”.

you can ONLY download the mapping if you register and verify your email in the DJTT site!

·         DVS TP3
·         10x shift layers
·         Full Transport controls
·         Full Tempo controls
·         6x Cues
·         4x Decks
·         Loops
·         BeatJump
·         Preview player
·         5x MixerFX
·         7x MacroFX
·         1x Resonant Filter
·         10x PadFX
·         4x BeatMasher
·         3x UserFX
·         Slip Reverse
·         3x Sampler
·         Key Adjust
·         Filter Roll
·         Download Link: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/9323
·         Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzAgENM55DE
·         Documentation:  https://github.com/pestrela/music_scripts/tree/master/traktor/mapping_akai_amx
·         Quick overview: 43x slides
·         Installation guide: 6x slides
·         Detailed manual: 26x pages
·         Demo Videos: between 5..30 minutes
·         This is a 2019 mapping for the Akai AMX. This is by far the cheapest and smallest way to unlock both DVS and almost all Traktor Pro 3 functions. In a single device you have the equivalent of a Z1+X1+TwisterFighter, at least.
·         It is also the most complete by far. It supports 10x layers, 4 decks, full transport and tempo control, TP3 MixerFX, MacroFX, Cues, Loops, beatjump,  Rolls, Slip reverse, Sampler, Key adjust, and a Preview Player.
·         If you have ANY problems please raise it in the comments section. Do not disrespect the ridiculous time people spend building complex mappings by pressing a thumb down without leaving any steps to reproduce the issue.

·         All my mappings are a free gift to the community, to enable DJs to use their preferred Software with their preferred. If you want further appreciation, PayPal donations are welcome (pedro.estrela@gmail.com

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.0.1
Lulu White M. over 2 years ago
HI Dj Estrela, First of all thanks a lot for all you are doing for the community. thanks for your time and effort. I just bought an AMX and could not find a way to do a mapping in Traktor Pro 3. I tried first the mapping of Stewe as it seems the first one doing it and then i did download your new mapping (Thanks a lot!) and i did had the same issue. Here a copy of my comment for Stewe:...........................I just sign up and I am a full beginner as Dj with Traktor PRO 3 and have no knowledge on mapping. I wanted to start with the AMX as controler and i just bought a second hand few days ago. I did download your free mapping (Thanks a lot!) and tried to follow carefully the instructions but unfortunately i may not do correctly as i haven't done the mapping. I wanted to contact you by mail but i did not find it. I have window 10 and 8 GB Ram Here my comments: - Mapping set up: Step 1 is ok i guess : I import your maping 2 or 3 times. Step 2 is ok: i select the 2 categories Step 3 is ok: I select the AMX_4-Deck_all-in-one BUT Step 3 & 4 are not ok There is only "none" in-port and "none" Out-port... Nothing more. Please anyone have any issue for that? - Audio setup Step one is ok: I can, see AMX as Audio Setup Step two is not ok: Output Routing i can see only speakers out 0,1,2,3 or not connected as choice....Same for Output Master. Thanks a lot for any issue for that. How can i contact you as i do not have fb..............Best regards for you. Lulu.
chris about 3 years ago
This mapping made Traktor unusable for me. For some reason the software become very slow and the faders were deleted in the initial test. In the end i had to delete and reinstall Traktor to use the software again-some serious bugs or a virus in this file. I'm using a Mac so it's not IT issues. Can't recommend at all.
dj_estrela about 3 years ago

stop this nonsense. Just because you dont know how to install a mapping please do not blame your ignorance on the hard work of others, especially when they created that for free. The mapping has 1000 downloads so ist YOU that have a problem. "I'm using a Mac so it's not IT issues" tells me you dont have any clue about IT. Mappings with many pages make the preferences window slow - that is an extremly known bug of Traktor that you dont have any idea about, nor you did any research yourself. This is the description: https://pestrela.github.io/dj_kb/traktor_slow_prefs/

Jables almost 4 years ago
Hi! This looks great, however (like Tourn'vins below) I am not having any luck with Traktor Pro 3. Only the crossfader appears to be mapped, as they discovered also. I have another AMX mapping in place, but you really seem to have put a lot of work into this and I'd love to give it a spin down the line once fixed. Thx + good luck.
dj_estrela almost 4 years ago

please confirm that "To start the mapping, press the MAIN SHIFT button when all lights are “on”. "

dj_estrela almost 4 years ago

also I do not get notiications from this site. Really annoying. Send me an email if you need more help.

Tourn’Vins about 4 years ago
I have imported twice have clicked on "amx" for in and out port of each layer...but nothing is working ??? (except crossfader, master vol and phone vol)
dj_estrela almost 4 years ago

please confirm that "To start the mapping, press the MAIN SHIFT button when all lights are “on”. "

Tourn’Vins about 4 years ago
Hi Dj Estrella, thank a lot for the great work you done ! But...i have imported the mapping with controller manager, and it seems ONLY the crossfader is assigned ? Nothing else operate when i push buttons or move faders ? Do you have an idea of what is getting wrong please ? Thanks a lot !
Tourn’Vins about 4 years ago

Well, "phones cue gain" and "master volume" are also operate