Loops - Backwards and Reloop
Description and Instructions
Loops Demo - Adjust backwards and Reloop v0.1.0 - DJ Estrela
Backwards loops:
· Normal loops operate on the beats that are coming; changing the loop size manipulates the OUT point.
· This mapping does this in reverse; it sets a loop on the music you just heard, and then manipulates the IN point instead.
· Use cases:
o extend a track that literally just ended;
o extend a beat just before a breakdown
o repeat a build-up several times
· Note: ensure you are hearing the desired OUT beat (otherwise it can be wrong by 1-beat).
Loop Reloop:
· CDJs have a feature to going back to a previous loop (AKA "reloop").
· This can be emulated in traktor using "jump to active loop (quantized)".
· This command is only available in CMDR, but it still works. As CMDR doesn't make keyboard mappings, this demo is only on the AMX mapping.
· more info: https://forum.djtechtools.com/showthread.php?t=91939
Keyboard mapping:
· q: play/pause
· regular loops: a: loop-4; s: loop --; d: loop ++
· backwards loops: z: loop-8; x: back_loop --; c: back_loop ++
AKAI AMX mapping:
· encoder: beatjump / tempo range
· sync: loop -- / loop ++ (regular = normal; shift = backwards)
· cue1: set loop / set backwards loop
· cue2: reloop (always)
· play = play