2022 DDJ-SX2/SZ/SRT v6.7.4 – Mapping for Traktor Pro 3+2 - DJ Estrela
Description and Instructions
2022 DDJ-SX2/SZ/SRT v6.7.4 – Mapping
for Traktor Pro 3+2 - DJ Estrela
· V6.7.4: A port of the ddj-1000 map for the SZ/SX2. Bome trial required. Has new features taken from the DDJ-1000 map
· V6.1.9: A old version without BOME. Simpler to use, simpler to install, less features.
· V6.1.2SRT: specific old version for the DDJ-1000SRT. No screens supported.
· Create an Account and then Login to the DJTT site. For step-by-step screenshots, see slide 6.
· If it still fails, clear your cookies and use another browser. 6K persons have downloaded this mapping so far.
· WITH BOME: Please see this VIDEO and this PDF FILE; download the BOME trial here. Instructions were made on a DDJ-1000 but the steps are mostly the same.
o Tip: Do NOT configure the DDJ device in Traktor! use “Bome Virtual Midi 1” instead. Also load the TSI twice to avoid the FX list bug.
· WITHOUT BOME: Please install this mapping like any other regular Traktor mappings.
MAC vs PC:
- Both Mac and PC are supported.
- The installation guide shows the small differences in the installation.
· Download Link: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/9222
· Features demo (video): https://youtu.be/5IJZPhHQnc4
· Installation guide (video): https://youtu.be/MbGP_ECnWiQ
· Manuals / FAQ: here
· 7x Jogwheel FX chains
· 5x TP3 MixerFX
· 11x MacroFX
· 21x padFX (“instant gratification”)
· 4x Rolls modes
· Slicer
· Dedicated preview player
· Reverse Flux
· Vinyl Stop
· Beatjump controls
· All functions reachable without shifts
· DDJ-SZ: As good as it gets. This is where the main mapping was developed.
· DDJ-SX2: As good as it gets. This is where the main mapping was developed.
· DDJ-1000SRT: Please see the specific documentation and TSI for the 1000SRT in a subfolder. The SRT runs in external mode, so you have all Pioneer effects per channel. Jog Screens are not MIDI mappable at the moment.
· DDJ-SZ2/RZX: Main mapping was tested in a shop, and it was pretty good.
· DDJ-SX3/SR/RR/RX: Pretty good coverage, but not perfect. The zip file has a specific TSI for the DDJ-SR.
· DDJ-1000: see https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/9279
· Traktor Pro 2: This mapping works perfectly in both Traktor Pro 3 and Traktor Pro 2.
· Installation video: https://youtu.be/MbGP_ECnWiQ
· Installation guide: see file “DDJ Mappings - Installation Guide.pdf”
· This an updated 2020 mapping for the Pioneer DDJ family of controllers. It works on both Traktor 3 and 2. It requires the 3rd-party BOME Pro MIDI translator. Free trial versions are available to test everything.
· The mapping was tested extensively in both the DDJ-SX2 and DDJ-SZ. Other DDJs are supported as well (please see below).
· It is also the most complete by far. It supports TP3 MixerFX, MacroFX, JogFX chains, padFX, Keyboard mode, Rolls, Slip reverse, and a Preview Player. Be sure to see the documentation for all the features.
· Issues? First, see the installation video and read the extensive documentation; then do not hesitate reporting ANY problems. Do NOT just press thumbs down without any steps to reproduce your issue. Thank you.
· V6.7.4: A port of the ddj-1000 map for the SZ/SX2. Bome trial required. Has new features taken from the DDJ-1000 map
· V6.1.9: A old version without BOME. Simpler to use, simpler to install, less features.
· V6.1.2SRT: specific old version for the DDJ-1000SRT. No screens supported.
· Create an Account and then Login to the DJTT site. For step-by-step screenshots, see slide 6.
· If it still fails, clear your cookies and use another browser. 6K persons have downloaded this mapping so far.
· WITH BOME: Please see this VIDEO and this PDF FILE; download the BOME trial here. Instructions were made on a DDJ-1000 but the steps are mostly the same.
o Tip: Do NOT configure the DDJ device in Traktor! use “Bome Virtual Midi 1” instead. Also load the TSI twice to avoid the FX list bug.
· WITHOUT BOME: Please install this mapping like any other regular Traktor mappings.
MAC vs PC:
- Both Mac and PC are supported.
- The installation guide shows the small differences in the installation.
· Download Link: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/9222
· Features demo (video): https://youtu.be/5IJZPhHQnc4
· Installation guide (video): https://youtu.be/MbGP_ECnWiQ
· Manuals / FAQ: here
· 7x Jogwheel FX chains
· 5x TP3 MixerFX
· 11x MacroFX
· 21x padFX (“instant gratification”)
· 4x Rolls modes
· Slicer
· Dedicated preview player
· Reverse Flux
· Vinyl Stop
· Beatjump controls
· All functions reachable without shifts
· DDJ-SZ: As good as it gets. This is where the main mapping was developed.
· DDJ-SX2: As good as it gets. This is where the main mapping was developed.
· DDJ-1000SRT: Please see the specific documentation and TSI for the 1000SRT in a subfolder. The SRT runs in external mode, so you have all Pioneer effects per channel. Jog Screens are not MIDI mappable at the moment.
· DDJ-SZ2/RZX: Main mapping was tested in a shop, and it was pretty good.
· DDJ-SX3/SR/RR/RX: Pretty good coverage, but not perfect. The zip file has a specific TSI for the DDJ-SR.
· DDJ-1000: see https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/9279
· Traktor Pro 2: This mapping works perfectly in both Traktor Pro 3 and Traktor Pro 2.
· Installation video: https://youtu.be/MbGP_ECnWiQ
· Installation guide: see file “DDJ Mappings - Installation Guide.pdf”
· This an updated 2020 mapping for the Pioneer DDJ family of controllers. It works on both Traktor 3 and 2. It requires the 3rd-party BOME Pro MIDI translator. Free trial versions are available to test everything.
· The mapping was tested extensively in both the DDJ-SX2 and DDJ-SZ. Other DDJs are supported as well (please see below).
· It is also the most complete by far. It supports TP3 MixerFX, MacroFX, JogFX chains, padFX, Keyboard mode, Rolls, Slip reverse, and a Preview Player. Be sure to see the documentation for all the features.
· Issues? First, see the installation video and read the extensive documentation; then do not hesitate reporting ANY problems. Do NOT just press thumbs down without any steps to reproduce your issue. Thank you.
· All my mappings are a free gift to the community, to enable DJs to use their preferred Software with their preferred Hardware
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
gareth200202 4 months ago
I've been using JaJa's map since 2014 and it's seen many club nights so thanks for keeping it going. You have done some incredible work.
I'm trying to use 6.1.9 SZ non bome but having a few issues
Macro page 1 EFX button 3 orange buttons aren't triggered when pressing and nothing changes when adjusting the parameter knob.
Macro Page 2 none of the green buttons active effects
any ideas what i'm doing wrong?
hawke64 about 1 year ago
I have PC Laptop (Windows) and my Pioneer DDJ-1000 SRT.
I think i'm sure configured everything well with Bome Translator (i checked again and again) I have midi messages from my DDJ only from the mixer part, but nothing when i use controllers from the 2 players parts left and right : no midi message on BOME MIDI Monitor log window when i activate any control.
Maybe you could give me a little help with this issue.
I use your 2022 DDJ-SX2/SZ/SRT v6.7.4 – Mapping for Traktor Pro 3+2
Thnx in advance.
Stay well
dimitris about 1 year ago
hello Pedro, did you build a specific mapping about DDJ SX3? i've try everything from none bome folder but seems all mappings works same, must invert led meters, jog touch cant disable the scratch function, if use mixer fx, works effect panel 1 or 2 also...
Lordblanca over 3 years ago
I am about to purchase the ddj 1000 srt. I was at the store playing with the mapping. But when I was following the instructions. I Do not see in BOME where to find Bome Aliases and BOME Devices. And it cuts in your video. can you please direct me where to find BOME Aliases and BOME Devices Please...
And In The SRT mapping input routing ther is only DDJ 1000 #10. Do you only use 10 on the left? Thank you
dj_estrela over 3 years ago
please see page 51: https://github.com/pestrela/dj_maps/blob/main/ddj_sx2_sz_srt/1%20-%20BOME%20version/2%20-%20Documentation/DDJ%20Mappings%20-%20Installation%20Guide.pdf my best mapping is for regular ddj-1000. Not the SRT
dj_estrela over 2 years ago