2021 XDJ-XZ v6.2.2 - mapping for Traktor Pro - DJ Estrela

Description and Instructions

2021 XDJ-XZ v6.2.2 - mapping for Traktor Pro 3+2 - DJ Estrela
TO DOWNLOAD: you NEED to register and verify your email in the DJTT site to download this mapping.
If it still fails, try later - the site is often in maintenance.
ABOUT BOME: The mapping can now be installed WITH or WITHOUT bome. The BOME version has jog screens and more features.
TO INSTALL WITHOUT BOME: Please install this as a normal Traktor mapping.
TO INSTALL WITH BOME: Please see this VIDEO and this PDF FILE for step-by-step instructions; download a demo trial of BOME here.
·         Download Link: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/10305
·         Documentation: https://github.com/pestrela/music/blob/master/traktor/mapping_xdj_xz/
·         Video demo: https://youtu.be/7EPfY9bGGlw

·         Jog Screens (Needle and Cue marker)
·         7x Jogwheel FX chains
·         5x TP3 MixerFX
·         11x MacroFX
·         21x padFX (“instant gratification”)
·         4x Rolls modes
·         Loops, Loop move
·         Reverse Flux
·         Beatjump controls
·         Track search
·         This a 2020 mapping for the XDJ-XZ. It works on both Traktor 3 and 2. The mapping was based on my previous mapping for the DDJ-SZ/SRT.
·         It is also the most complete by far. It supports TP3 MixerFX, MacroFX, JogFX chains, padFX, Rolls, Slip reverse. Be sure to see the documentation for all the features.
·         Mapping now works both WITH and WITHOUT bome. Without BOME it will miss jog screens and MacroFX/MixerFX.
·         If you have ANY problems please raise it in the comments section. Do not disrespect the ridiculous time people spend building complex mappings by pressing a thumb down without leaving any steps to reproduce the issue.
·         All my mappings are a free gift to the community, to enable DJs to use their preferred Software with their preferred. If you want further appreciation, PayPal  / Patreon donations are welcome (pedro.estrela@gmail.com / https://www.patreon.com/djestrela)
V6.1.3 XDJ-XZ Demo:      https://youtu.be/7EPfY9bGGlw
·         0:14 Hot Cues / Loop Rolls / Remix decks
·         0:37 11x TP2 MacroFX / 5x TP3 MixerFX / 6x Pioneer ColorFX
·         1:29 27x PadFX /
·         2:01 MIDI scratch
·         2:07 7x JogFX

·         <!--[endif]-->2:32 Loops

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v6.2.2
Cjfaver 8 months ago
Hi! somebody knows if it's compatible with the new traktor 4?
dj_estrela about 1 month ago

yes it is

Ali Tutuk about 1 year ago
thanx a lot man,, rocking better with traktor than any other software 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 many thanks
josh chrys 11 months ago

how did you make it work man? I've been struggling with this for a month now. do I need to install any driver? it works at normal but I can't make the jog wheel and play pause works. please help

Tobi about 1 year ago
Please Help me !! Everything works with the Mapping but the Scratch function of the Jog wheels dont work With it ! I have to make musik in 2 Days with it. Please help me whatsapp 01702935368
Tobi about 1 year ago


rob about 1 year ago

did you find a solution or didn't work it?

lee over 1 year ago
Hi, I cannot seem to get this to work, I’ve installed the traktor driver, won’t show as an audio driver or anything ☹️ any ideas. Or processes I need to follow? Thanks
Haifa over 1 year ago
The PDF file . Download link error