2021 XDJ-XZ v6.2.2 - mapping for Traktor Pro - DJ Estrela

Description and Instructions

2021 XDJ-XZ v6.2.2 - mapping for Traktor Pro 3+2 - DJ Estrela
TO DOWNLOAD: you NEED to register and verify your email in the DJTT site to download this mapping.
If it still fails, try later - the site is often in maintenance.
ABOUT BOME: The mapping can now be installed WITH or WITHOUT bome. The BOME version has jog screens and more features.
TO INSTALL WITHOUT BOME: Please install this as a normal Traktor mapping.
TO INSTALL WITH BOME: Please see this VIDEO and this PDF FILE for step-by-step instructions; download a demo trial of BOME here.
·         Download Link: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/10305
·         Documentation: https://github.com/pestrela/music/blob/master/traktor/mapping_xdj_xz/
·         Video demo: https://youtu.be/7EPfY9bGGlw

·         Jog Screens (Needle and Cue marker)
·         7x Jogwheel FX chains
·         5x TP3 MixerFX
·         11x MacroFX
·         21x padFX (“instant gratification”)
·         4x Rolls modes
·         Loops, Loop move
·         Reverse Flux
·         Beatjump controls
·         Track search
·         This a 2020 mapping for the XDJ-XZ. It works on both Traktor 3 and 2. The mapping was based on my previous mapping for the DDJ-SZ/SRT.
·         It is also the most complete by far. It supports TP3 MixerFX, MacroFX, JogFX chains, padFX, Rolls, Slip reverse. Be sure to see the documentation for all the features.
·         Mapping now works both WITH and WITHOUT bome. Without BOME it will miss jog screens and MacroFX/MixerFX.
·         If you have ANY problems please raise it in the comments section. Do not disrespect the ridiculous time people spend building complex mappings by pressing a thumb down without leaving any steps to reproduce the issue.
·         All my mappings are a free gift to the community, to enable DJs to use their preferred Software with their preferred. If you want further appreciation, PayPal  / Patreon donations are welcome (pedro.estrela@gmail.com / https://www.patreon.com/djestrela)
V6.1.3 XDJ-XZ Demo:      https://youtu.be/7EPfY9bGGlw
·         0:14 Hot Cues / Loop Rolls / Remix decks
·         0:37 11x TP2 MacroFX / 5x TP3 MixerFX / 6x Pioneer ColorFX
·         1:29 27x PadFX /
·         2:01 MIDI scratch
·         2:07 7x JogFX

·         <!--[endif]-->2:32 Loops

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v6.2.2
Cjfaver 5 months ago
Hi! somebody knows if it's compatible with the new traktor 4?
Ali Tutuk 9 months ago
thanx a lot man,, rocking better with traktor than any other software 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 many thanks
josh chrys 8 months ago

how did you make it work man? I've been struggling with this for a month now. do I need to install any driver? it works at normal but I can't make the jog wheel and play pause works. please help

Tobi 12 months ago
Please Help me !! Everything works with the Mapping but the Scratch function of the Jog wheels dont work With it ! I have to make musik in 2 Days with it. Please help me whatsapp 01702935368
Tobi 11 months ago


rob 9 months ago

did you find a solution or didn't work it?

lee over 1 year ago
Hi, I cannot seem to get this to work, I’ve installed the traktor driver, won’t show as an audio driver or anything ☹️ any ideas. Or processes I need to follow? Thanks
Haifa over 1 year ago
The PDF file . Download link error