2020 DJM-T1 v0.2.2 - MixerFX, MacroFX and EchoOut - DJ Estrela
Description and Instructions
- 4x TP3 MixerFX
- 4x TP3 MacroFX
- 4x Echo Out
This mapping replaces FX unit 2 with much simpler automated effects for all decks.
Press the 4x buttons to select one mixerFX and macroFX for all decks.
- This mapping is dedicated to Lee Wright from Bradford.
- This gentleman asked me to make build a custom-purpose mapping for a device that I don’t have nor I will have, asked for changes, and in the end only paid me half of the agreed price.
- Donations are welcome to: pedro.estrela@gmail.com
- 4x TP3 MixerFX
- 4x TP3 MacroFX
- 4x Echo Out
This mapping replaces FX unit 2 with much simpler automated effects for all decks.
Press the 4x buttons to select one mixerFX and macroFX for all decks.
Press shift+4c buttons to do an echo out.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
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