MF Spectra DeckGrat
Description and Instructions
More specifically, it is a Spectra version of the popular MF3D DeckGratMotion mapping (, except that it does not have any motion control.
Setup Steps
1. In order to use this mapping, please download and unzip the mapping files. Inside you should see a .tsi file, a .mfs file, and a jpeg layout.
2. Open the MF Utility and Import the .mfs file. This will import the proper MF Spectra settings and button colors. You are welcome to change the button colors to what you want in the MF Utility. Please note that in some cases the mapping will override the set colors.
3. In Traktor's Preferences window, press the large Import button on the bottom left. Repeat this step once more to ensure that the FX settings load properly. Note: If the Beatmasher or Echo freeze buttons are not loading the proper effects you need to import the FX settings one more time.
4. Go into the Controller Manager and make sure that the In-Port and Out-Port for the mapping are set to your MF Spectra.
5. Start Jamming!

Duy Luong about 11 years ago
Carlos Colon about 11 years ago
Cris about 11 years ago
andrew ivan over 11 years ago
andrew ivan over 11 years ago
that's dope maybe you could help me i'd like to add some tempo controls maybe reverse function and more track loading as well as trying to add stewe's isolate mapping for the spectra on top so i could isolate the effects. those are the only controls i find it to lack. I was also thinking about making a gater sort of effect from the faders using a reverb in post fader mode let me know if you could help as i think this would be really dope
andrew ivan over 11 years ago here is my edit check it out!
Andrew Deli almost 12 years ago
flashflooder almost 12 years ago
that leads me to believe you are using an older version of Traktor than what this tsi was made on. You cannot import tsi files from newer versions into older Traktor versions and there is really no way around this besides rebuilding as far as I know. I forgot what I used for this but it's at least 2.5 or 2.6
Matt Swindler over 11 years ago
i believe its 2.6 --- i ran into a problem with importing all spectra mappings with 2.5
flashflooder over 11 years ago
yeah, they are unused for this very reason. so you can map whatever you want to them!