MF Twister Ableton Script

Description and Instructions

This script requires Ableton 11 or higher, if you are running an older version grab v2.1 from the sidebar


This mapping was originally made for Ableton 9.6 and is fully compatible with the Midi Fighter’s sequencer mode.

This guide refers to the 2.0 version of this mapping and it will be updated to reflect changes in following versions. 


  • Track Select/Solo/Arm/Mute
  • Track Volume/Pan/Sends
  • Device control and navigation (On/Off, Next/Prev Bank, Next/Prev Device, Device Lock)
  • Focused Track Controls
  • Transport controls


After downloading Twister Ableton Script from DJTechtools and unzipping it a folder will be created with the same name that will contain this guide and three more files: Twister_Ableton.mfs and a folder named Script.

1. Open the MF Utility and import the Twister_Ableton.mfs file via File > Import Settings.

2. Copy the contents of the Script folder (_Mono_Framework, _Tools and Twister) to your Ableton Live's MIDI Remote Scripts folder.

  • WINDOWS - Located in “C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 10 Suite\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts”. Program Data folder is not visible by default, you might need to enable "Show hidden folders" as shown here).
  • MAC -  Right click on your Ableton's app and click "Show Package Contents” and navigate to “\Contents\App-Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\".

3. Launch Ableton Live and the script should detect your device and set itself up. If this doesnt’t happen go to Preferences and under MIDI Sync tab select Twister in the Control Surface drop down list and set the correct input and output MIDI ports.


  • Requires August 13th 2014 firmware or higher
  • Changing the side buttons’ order will break this mapping so avoid it to prevent losing functionality: If that is the case, reload the .mfs file.
  • If the script doesn't show up make sure you copied over all contents of the Script folder to the intended destination and NOT the Script folder as a whole.
  • This script was originally made by Amounra for the Livid Ohm64 controller and has been edited to extend part of it's functionality to Twister and PY files are included in this release. If you mod the original script or this one in any way don't forget to credit the original author.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v2.2.1
fuib 9 months ago
Is there a way to edit this so that ONLY bank 2 is being used? Liking the Selected Track controls in that bank very much! But would like to keep the rest of the banks free for using with other programs.
Jeff Walker 11 months ago
Anyone get this working in Live 12? Ableton doesn't show the script in the options despite putting it in the correct folder.
Mike Bessey 11 months ago

I installed it in 12 today and it's working well. I installed the script (dragged the three provided folders into the 'Remote Scripts' folder, _Tools already existed so I merged the contents) , plugged in the Midi Fighter Twister, opened Ableton 12 and it worked without any further config.

Mike Bessey 11 months ago

Actually spoke too soon... The knobs are mapped fine but the buttons not working atm, back to the drawing board.

Jeff Walker 11 months ago

My issue was my own mistake. a midi routing issue. It seem to be working fine. I think the buttons are working, which are you talking about? The side buttons?

D over 1 year ago
None of this works for any parameters on ableton complete crap and honestly has me wanting to return this item. Have downloaded multiple macros and none of them work.
Gabe about 1 year ago

Skill Issue

Stewe about 1 year ago

This script is updated to live 11, perhaps you are using Live 10. If you still have issue reach out to DJ TechTools support to get help installing it.

Jeffry 10 months ago

mate this script is community made, help yourself and stop whining

Nazim over 1 year ago
Hola! Es posible hacer una version con 16 levels o volumenes en vez de 8? El paneo realmente no es util cuando estas componiendo. De cualquier modo la logica del mapeo es excelente, muchas gracias!
David Louca about 2 years ago
Hi, do you have a button layout that you could send me? One that shows me which encoder does which function? That would be really helpful. I can print and put on the wall.