MF Spectra Ableton Launcher
Description and Instructions
A simple script to bring back compatibility for Midi Fighters with Ableton 9.1
1. Open your MF Utility application and import the MFSpectra_Launcher_settings.mfs from File->Import Settings. You may change the Motion settings as you wish,
but make sure that the Bank Buttons setting is set to Four Banks Enabled. Also some colors will not be affected from the setting as they are by the script.
2. Copy the downloaded folder "MFSpectra_Launcher" to your Ableton Live's MIDI Remote Scripts folder.
Located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Ableton\Live x.x\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\ under Windos or right click on your Ableton's app and click "Show Package Contents and navigate to
\Contents\App-Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\ for Mac OSX
3. Launch Ableton Live and go to Preferences. Under MIDI Sync tab select MFSpectra Launcher in the Control Surface drop down list and set the
correct input and output MIDI ports. Also make sure that the Track is set to On for the Drum Rack page to function properly.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Lewis over 8 years ago
Can't get it to move left and right but everything else works fine. Thanks ! :)
padi_04 almost 11 years ago
Make sure you load the settings file in the MF Utility.