AKAI AMX - DJ.MG Official Mapping for Djay Pro (by Jay Neural) - NOW WITH VU-METERS !

Description and Instructions

This is a full mapping of the AKAI AMX for Djay Pro Mac and also for iOS ! It includes secondary layer (shift key), Touch mode and LED feedback and even VU-METER LEDs for both channels as well as master !

It was created by Jay Neural for DJ.MG (DJ Mega Gear).

It's mapped as close as possible to the layout printed on the hardware and as close possible to how it works with Serato.

Latest features of v1.0 include :

- Full VUE-METERS implementation on both CHANNEL 1 and 2 as well as MASTER

- Adds FADER CURVE control using the appropriate knob on the front (previously non mappable)

- XFADE REV ON/OFF now enables/disables AUTOMIX feature (as the XFADE reverse isn’t mappable)

- FILTER ROTARY in TOUCH mode now uses a 1/2 bounce loop instead of a 1/4

- Fixes in LED feedback on PLAY, CUE, SYNC and LOAD buttons

Following are the differences between Serato behavior and this mapping :

Differences in Layer 1 (almost perfect !) :

- SYNC OF/ON is implemented as toggle (SYNC-OFF by pushing SYNC while it's lit)

Differences in Layer 2 (using SHIFT button) :

- The SEARCH function through the top central rotary is not implemented as this would require a second modifier which is currently not supported on Djay Pro

- SHIFT+SEARCH 1 and 2 for Activating DVS is obviously not mapped, the Key Lock on/off for each deck is mapped in place

- SHIFT-ROTARY Button will switch browser's section (Playlists/Genre/Artist...)

- SHIFT+SYNC is mapped to TAP BPM (no SYNC OFF as there-is no SYNC-OFF message implemented on Djay)

- SHIFT+PLAY enables reverse mode (mapped in toggle mode)

Differences in Touch Mode (using TOUCH button) :

- On "TOUCH" mode Filter knob is implemented with Loop-Bounce 1/2 + Filter in order to mimic behavior on Serato's AMX standard mapping but couldn't map loop length variation as it looks like the "Loop Duration" command does not work properly.

- XFADE REV ON/OFF now enables/disables AUTOMIX feature (as the XFADE reverse isn’t mappable)

Recommendations :

- I recommend disabling pre-listen auto-select mode before using this mapping (by clicking on the top-left headset icon and unchecking the auto-select box).

- Don't hesitate to post comments requesting fixes or new features. Notice this mapping's intend is to stay as close as possible to the original Serato behavior so if you wish to add other layers (when multiple modifiers will be possible) or add features that are very different from the original mapping, it'll be better to start a new project.

iPhone / iPad users :

Enable full iOS compatibility of the AMX thanks to this mapping by following these steps :

- Launch iTunes

- Connect your iOS device and let it trust your computer when prompted

- Click on the tiny device icon that appears on the top of iTunes's main section

- Click on "File Sharing" on the left

- Find the Djay app on the app's list

- Drag the mapping in the Documents section and wait until it's uploaded

- Disconnect your iPhone and connect your AMX through the USB Camera Kit (preferably USB3 version, otherwise a powered hub will be required)

You're using NI Traktor Pro ? Try out our AMX mapping !

Enjoy ! Rate and comment if you like this mapping !

For updates, follow @JayNeural and @DJMegaGear on Twitter !

Also subscribe to our Youtube channel on http://youtube.com/djmegagear as we'll be posting videos for our mappings in the near future.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.0.0
alfpop over 5 years ago
Hello. I have tried it on DJAY PRO 2 macbook and V.1.0 doesnt´t work, but work for DJAY PRO. V.0.9.1 works in both but LEDS don´t work on any version. Only some leds like headphones, panel, touch, but not the main and important ones like volume level, play, master,etc... Thank you so much for your work
Stevie Tee over 5 years ago
Hi, unfortunately the mapping file seems corrupted or uploaded incorrectly, after extracting no .tsi is present. I tried renaming the file extension but it still doesn't work, does anyone have a working Jay Neural file for the AMX for Traktor with working vu meters for both channels and master ?
Jay Neural over 5 years ago

Hi Stevie, strange, did you try with another navigator ? Or maybe a temporary server issue. It’s supposed to work, the zip file must contain the .tsi file.

Stevie Tee over 5 years ago

Thanks for your quick response Jay. I don't know what was wrong with the download, I downloaded it a couple of times and extracted the zip file trying two different apps, but the file did not contain the .tsi. Not to worry, I used your previous version of the mapping and after a bit more searching (on a Pioneer forum) I found the midi channel LED vu meter settings for the Akai AMX. If anyone else needs the LED Outputs they are midi channel 0 (or channel 1 in my case using Traktor pro) and the cc values are 62 and 63 (for the master vu levels) and 64 and 65 for channels 1 and 2 (using Deck Pre-fader Level L+R in Traktor). Thanks again for the help Jay.

Alex m over 5 years ago
One thing I found with the new USB Camera Kit one needs an appropriate amount of power coming in the thunderbolt side or some weird stuff happens. I found you need a min of a 3A wall wart to have everything work on iOS13 in an iPhone X. AMX would show up with power levels under 3A but had weirdness for example some channels not working and or LED and mapping OK but no sound at all. Looks and feels like a pretty legit patch - had allot of fun playing with it this weekend. I did notice a bit of wild non reseting to "0" with the mega effects filter nobs but thats probably some local weirdness.. Good job and Ill try and remember to report back after a bit of playing with it!
michele sirchia about 6 years ago
Hi Jay Neural, I just bought akai amx and mapped it with Dj Pro. The B channel filter works poorly and does not return to neutral position on the sound. Channel A filter is perfect. With Serato both filters work well. Do you have any idea how I can do it? Thank you
Tourn’Vins over 3 years ago

Hi; Have the same kind of problem. I have imported V.1.0.0 and filter doesn't operate properly on deck 2, and filter is inverted, but operate fine on deck 1.

jan brückner about 6 years ago
With the download I only get a small file (15 kb), so no tsi.file. Whhat can I do?