S4S Holiday Soundpack

Description and Instructions

This week in lieu of my normal Monday soundpack we have something very special to help you celebrate the Holiday season!  We joined forces with the rest of the Soundpack 4 Soundpack crew (Desmodus, Apoth & Vide) to bring you a special four bank (64+ Samples) Holiday themed soundpack.  It's full of rich sound, funny quotes and amazing playability for instant fun!  Celebrate the Holidays this year with your friends at Soundpack 4 Soundpack.

Happy Holidays!

-Kyle Mohr & The Soundpack 4 Soundpack Crew (Alex Medvick, Desmodus, Apoth and Vide)

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.2.0
eyebrain jesse over 9 years ago
sick :)