Ean Golden's Midi Fighter 3D Mapping "Jam-on-it"
Description and Instructions
This mapping uses the Remix Decks firmware AND 4 deck instant gratification style effects.
To switch between “Remix Deck Mode” and “Effects Mode” use the middle right side button.
This is a continuation of the instant gratification with 2 styles of effects and remix deck control on top (optional). You can easily trigger remix decks and fx at the same time with this mapping.
Please make sure you follow the easy steps in the included setup guide.
Flash to the latest 3D firmware:
1) Open the MF Utility
2) Choose Tools > Alternate Firmware > Standard
3) Your 3D will be flashed and updated.
Then flash the Custom Remix Deck HID firmware:
4) Open the MF Utility
5) Choose Tools > Alternate Firmware > Remix Decks (Win or OS X)
6) Your 3D will be flashed and updated
Import the .MFS file to load the Midi Mapping settings:
7) Open the MF Utility
8) Choose File > Import Settings > Pick the included .MFS file.
9) Hit “Send to Midi Fighter”
10) Close the MF Utility.
Import the mapping into Traktor:
11) Open Traktor, go to Preferences, Press the BIG import button.
12) Pick the included *.tsi and hit OK.
13) Check the “Controller Settings” and “Effects Settings” boxes in the appearing menu
14) Set the mapping’s In/Out ports to MF 3D.
15) Restart Traktor.

morscho about 7 years ago
Akash about 7 years ago
c0des0121 about 8 years ago
Alexander about 8 years ago
c0des0121 about 8 years ago
any luck with this issue? Same problem here I've followed the vid but for some reason when I import to traktor my MF3d isn't recognised????
morscho about 7 years ago
Edit: Well, the Remix Deck mode works now but Mide Mode doesn't. I think its a driver problem, because now there are two Traktor Control F1 in the device manager.