MF3D - Shawn Wasabi "Burnt Rice" Intro (with Lights)
Description and Instructions
I was watching Burnt Rice in slow mo when I noticed that Shawn plays the introduction in a roughly 4x4 area. I decided to take the beats and make a MIDI mapping from them, staying true to the original video. I had to move some sounds around because Shawn occasionally went out of the 4x4 grid, but I think I captured it pretty well. Enjoy!
Edit 2/2/2021: been working on an overhaul of this project for the last five years and i finally completed it. jk i was just updating old mappings today so i fixed the samples in this one and exported it correctly and added LIGHTS. i hope you enjoy it !

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Ry almost 3 years ago
Just downloaded and tested it today, sure enough, it works! As stated in the description, this is just the intro, right before the drums kick in, so it's a fun little sample to mess around with. Thank you for making this!
offchristianamr over 7 years ago
Haha, thanks dude! I'm glad you're enjoying it!!! ^_^