Midi Fighter 64 Animation Selector
Description and Instructions
This Ableton Live MIDI Effect Rack allows you to easily select from any of the Midi Fighter 64's built-in animations. The Bank Select macro allows you to select which of the Midi Fighter's two pages you want the animation to appear on, and the Variations to the left allow you to select an animation type. Additional options like shapes and pulse/gate timings are also selectable using labelled variations, so you can quickly choose any specific animation without needing to consult the MF64 manual.
To use this Effect Rack, create an empty MIDI track in Ableton Live, place the Rack on the track, and set the track output routing to your Midi Fighter 64, on MIDI channel 4. Set the track monitoring to IN, and you should see the animations appear when you press any button. This MIDI Effect Rack is only usable in ABLETON LIVE 11.1 and above.
NOTE: Ableton Live has a bug where the AUTO SELECT arrow becomes unchecked when saving an Effect Rack. To make the Rack behave as it should, click the arrow above the "Brightness" chain.