Kontrol F1-Serato Dj Single Turntable Mapping
Description and Instructions
I've been using the F1 for a few years now so I made a mapping that works for me very close to the Traktor default mapping for playing with the F1
Installation is basic:
One file to Serato
The other for the controller editor
You need the NI controller editor to make ir work and also to have output lighting.
Basically I split the controller in 2. A+B
4 cues for each deck- Color is set to the Serato defaults
Installation is basic:
One file to Serato
The other for the controller editor
You need the NI controller editor to make ir work and also to have output lighting.
Basically I split the controller in 2. A+B
4 cues for each deck- Color is set to the Serato defaults
4 loops (1/2/4/8) on each side/ loops are in green.
I play with just one turntable to the left.
so there are a few shortcuts Ex:
Knob encoder is loop length for the right deck
Shift+knob encoder is Tempo Change for the right deck
Shift+push encoder is BPM reset for the right deck
Shift+push encoder is BPM reset for the right deck
Sync is sync ON for Left Deck
Shift+Sync is sync OFF for Left Deck
Quant is Sync ON for Right Deck
Shift+Quant is Sync OFF for Right Deck
Browse is Library mode.
Type Loads deck A
Size Loads Deck B
Capture brings out the FX Panel
Filter knobs are wet/dry encoders for FX
FX layout is 1+2 for deck A. 3+4 for Deck B
Sliders are the on/off Buttons for Fx.
Bottom Buttons are mapped as 1+2 Cue/Play for deck A. 3+4 Cue Play for Deck B
If you Hold Shift you'll See pads lighted differently. There are roll Buttons. set to 16/8/4/1 for each deck.
If you have any questions hit me up!

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Daniel over 1 year ago
Hei, output lightning is only working for the play button and sync. Would it be possible to get in contact with you? I would have many question. i want to get to work my midi mapping with output lightning. Maybe you could help me. Would be a pleasure
Eliecer Villamil Ibañez almost 4 years ago
buenas tardes disculpa mi estupidez pero en realidad no se en que ubicacion colocar el archivo xml para serato dj
jonathan sanhueza about 4 years ago
Hello friend, good job, I can't get the mapping to work in serato dj pro, some extra configuration is needed. Greetings and thanks in advance.
Martinezmig about 4 years ago
Hey man! Thanks! Glad you like the mapping.. Did you installed the script on the controller editor first? If you did, close everything, Open controller editor first.. once the F1 is in midi mode and you see the colors.. open Serato. Should be good to go.
jonathan sanhueza about 4 years ago
thanks for your answer but I'm new to serato, how do you do it?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Oleg over 5 years ago
I’m using Denon X1600, I got the x1 working fine. I tried
connecting the f1 without success. Any help will be appreciated! Thank You!
Martinezmig over 5 years ago
Sup man! Are u using the NI controller editor? If you are try connecting there F1 first. There is also an option to choose which controller is editing or connecting in the software.. If you get lost drop me an email djkorduroy@gmail.com
Martinezmig 4 months ago
Entra al folder de Serato en Mac es en music:seato. buscas midi y lo pones ahi.. si no le puedes dar load desde Serato en el midi panel