DJ Reybans F1 (Hot Cues, Move, Key Shift, FX & Sequencer)
Description and Instructions
Hi everyone!
I'm sharing my personal F1 mapping. My Traktor (& this mapping) is setup so that deck A is a live input, deck B is a remix deck, C & D are my track decks. F1 must be set to User Map in the preferences.
I added a tempo adjust to the stock mapping. It works like on the X1, you hold SYNC & rotate the encoder. Just handy!
Holding SHIFT + pressing BROWSE takes you between my mapping & the stock one. It starts on the HOT CUES page & general for every page is that SYNC will work like what I added to the stock mapping. Also BROWSE will start/stop the Traktor sequencer. MUTE buttons change page. Volume faders & filter knobs are like in stock mapping
Holding SHIFT + pressing REVERSE will change "gears" between the Traktor sequencer & what I call "aiding" pages. Also MUTE buttons turn into FX routing for remix deck B slots.
HOT CUES: Simply HOT CUES! Holding SHIFT lets you delete them.
MOVE: This page is great for fine tuning samples to capture for the remix deck. Top quadrant of each side, lets you choose mode between BEAT JUMP, LOOP, LOOP IN & LOOP OUT. Third row edits move SIZE & bottom row engages MOVE.
KEY SHIFT: Lets you edit the key of the track decks. With the encoder you can move the "0" pad to get "-" pads as well. The display shows this with 1 to 8. CAPTURE will light up 50%, press it to have each press of a pad also do a CUP. (Most useful if you put "CUP mode" to Instant in the settings.)
FX: This page controls all FX unit buttons. If a FX unit is in group mode, the first pad will be yellow. SIZE will (sometimes) light up 50%, press it to make the encoder control every FX knob. The display will show the amount 0-99. (99=100) Great thing here is to have it at 0, turn some FX on & increase the amount. Pressing the encoder will turn off every effect!
MUTE buttons: Selects remix deck slot.
TYPE: Makes the encoder scroll sample.
SIZE: Makes the encoder edit the sequences size.
I know sometimes the MUTE buttons don't light up to show wich page is active. :)
Have fun!

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
AlexXS 22 days ago
thanks for your mapping. is it possible to simply swap the AB and CD decks. i prefer the track decks on AB. thanks in advance.
AlexXS 22 days ago
oh, sorry, just saw your rework... haha. awesome. thanks