Midi Fighter 4 banks (utility) + 2 banks (BOME midi translator pro)

Description and Instructions

Hey !

Basically with the MF utility you get access to 4 banks. I created a file that allows you to have a total of 6 banks, using BOME

-Last version of the MF Firmware
-Utility setup:
*Bank side buttons UNTICKED
*Left side button 1 = Bank 1
*Left side button 2 = Bank 2
*Left side button 3 = Bank 3
*Right side button 1 = Bank 4
*Right side button 2 = Bank 5
*Right side button 3 = Bank 6

How it's working
-Bank 1-2-3-4 selection is no different from a "regular" MF
-Bank 5 pressing button will turn bank 6 off and vice versa
-Pressing bank 1-2-3-4 button will disable banks 5 & 6

CC Values & channels
Cf picture  & User manual

Missing for now:
-LEDs for banks 5&6
-"Utility like" superknobs for banks 5&6
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
Kenji WAKEME almost 8 years ago
I want this map. But I can not download this map. Because "The page you were looking for doesn't exist." It was very disappointing.