Midi Fighter 3D and Serato DJ Pro Special Mapping

Description and Instructions

Special mapping for Serato DJ Pro using the MF3D. Made in XML for taking advantage of hidden features in Serato mappings like modifiers and combine multiple commands in one button. The full explanation of this mapping will be published in a DJTT article.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
dj mas about 4 years ago
When I use mapping on my vci 300 mk 2 it works but the lights respond to other button when they are pressed
DELETED over 4 years ago
Hey, can you provide a bigger picture as to what each of the buttons do?
Lepe over 5 years ago
Hey! great mapping, but my side buttons don't work, either in bank 1 for shift, and not in bank 2 for cue delete/cue play??? any ideas?
Lepe over 5 years ago

It seems that something was changed in the program, the modifiers work in 2.0.5 and 2.1.0, but on newer versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 modifiers don't work at all, the rest of this mapping works, but no modifiers :(

Dom over 5 years ago
I really want to love this but when I use this mapping the play button doesn't work on my vci400, then if I remap play to work the cues get knocked out. :/