mPowr3 for Traktor/MF3d
Description and Instructions
This can be found in the Tools->Alternate Firmware section of the MF Utility
Install Instructions:
MF3d Utility:
- Load the Remix Deck Firmware under Tools->Alternate Firmware
- Import mPowr3.mfs under File->Import Settings.
- Set Deck Focus to "Software"
- In Preferences, use the big Import button at the bottom. Import both Controller Mappings and Effect Settings.
- Repeat step 2.
- Under Controller Manager, set the Input and Ouput Channels for each mPowr mapping (3 total) to the MF3d
- Initialize (Shift2 + top right side button)
This is a 4-menu, all-in-one mapping. Each menu has 4 pages of controls on the third row. Two buttons on the bottom row select the active page. There's tons of fx combos, and motion controls can be loaded/unloaded on the fly - pretty much anything can be assigned to any direction(s), and activated from any menu. The mapping can be easily tweaked or modified, and comes with a template mapping for creating a custom menu and plugging it in.
FX Menu - Over 20 fx available, with lots of control over each. Send fx to multiple decks, and quickly access any HotCue. There are some cool multi-effect combos on 3 of the 4 pages.
Flux Menu - Looping, HotCues, BeatJumps, Loop Recorder, and Active Deck controls.
Plugin Menu - A separate mapping that can be swapped out or modified without affecting anything else. mPowr3 comes with a HotCue Menu here: 8 HotCue buttons for the Targeted Deck (This is different than the Active Deck.) Pages for looping, deck controls, and effects. There's also an active deck hotcue page, so you can simultaneously access hotcues and loop controls for any two decks.
Settings Menu - Assign any of these to any motion direction(s): FX Dry/Wets, FX Knobs, Filters, Keys, and Balances. FX4 is dedicated to motion (or another controller), and can be set to Single or Group mode. Several presets relate to this menu, so you can quickly load fx and motion settings.
HID Mode - This mapping is meant to run alongside HID mode.
Presets (while holding Shift2) - Side buttons control the motion assignments; Bank buttons load 8 different groups of effects to FX4.
Feel free to comment with suggestions or if you have any problems. I can always use quality FX Combos, BeatSlicer settings, and ideas for menus or pages.
For a readable image, go to:

Marc about 6 years ago
Lucas D. over 11 years ago
btfaires over 11 years ago
What broke in 2.6.2? I'm surprised that a 3rd digit update isn't backward compatible. Regardless, it's unlikely that I'll be putting more time into this mapping since I've started making/using another one. If you like sample deck mappings but not HID mode, I'd recommend looking at the plugin template and instructions that come with this mapping. It should be pretty simple to do what you're describing, and that was kind of the point of building the plugin - so people could build in stuff that most other people wouldn't use. Let me know if you look at it and have any questions.
Hriday Joshi over 11 years ago
And also.. I can't hear the effects on my headphones.. they only work on the main speaker.. How can I solve this problem??