MF3d Serato basic controls
Description and Instructions
This mapping is the layout I like for the basic controls in Serato. Motion controls the fx, and the buttons in 4 banks mode control cue points, loops, loop roll and the SP-6. Pretty straightforward, the pngs say it all. Here's the contents of the read me.txt:
* In the images, if there are two actions listed for a button, the bottom text is the action performed while holding shift.
--Banks 1 & 2 - Controlling Serato decks 1 & 2--
* Shift + Cue point will set the cue point.
* To loop roll any amount, activate any loop size(s) you like, then tap the "Loop Roll 32" button when you are ready to exit the loop (and jump ahead to where you would have been in the song). If you don't want the song to jump ahead when exiting the loop, just tap the button corresponding to the current loop size (i.e. the last button you pressed), which will just disable the loop. Alternatively, you can tap the Yellow Activate Loop button.
[Edit: To clarify, it always takes a button press to exit a loop, even a loop/roll. I realize this is different than normal but it gives you a lot of control. Plus you don't have to differentiate between looping and loop rolling, they're just 2 flavors of the same thing in SSL. ]
* You can browse through your loops by holding shift and using the bottom 4 buttons. The two on the left scroll left (from 9 toward 1) and the two on the right scroll right (from 1 -> 9).
--Bank 3 - Juggle Mode--
* Should be pretty self-explanatory from the png.
--Bank 4 - Sampler Controls--
* For each sample:
* Red button (left) is Play
* Green button (right) activates Start/Stop mode
* Shift-Red activates Hold mode
* Shift-Green activates Trigger mode
* The idea here is to generally default to Hold mode and use the Red button to fire off one-shots. When you want a sample to keep playing after you've started it (or before), you can tap the Green button while holding the Red, and the sample will continue playing as you release both buttons (because it's now in Start/Stop mode). Tap Red to stop it.
* No matter which mode you're in, you can shut off the sample by hitting Green then Red (in one motion). I find this useful to remember given that this mode switching isn't exactly intuitive, and I don't want to accidently get trapped in Trigger Mode.
* In the images, if there are two actions listed for a button, the bottom text is the action performed while holding shift.
--Banks 1 & 2 - Controlling Serato decks 1 & 2--
* Shift + Cue point will set the cue point.
* To loop roll any amount, activate any loop size(s) you like, then tap the "Loop Roll 32" button when you are ready to exit the loop (and jump ahead to where you would have been in the song). If you don't want the song to jump ahead when exiting the loop, just tap the button corresponding to the current loop size (i.e. the last button you pressed), which will just disable the loop. Alternatively, you can tap the Yellow Activate Loop button.
[Edit: To clarify, it always takes a button press to exit a loop, even a loop/roll. I realize this is different than normal but it gives you a lot of control. Plus you don't have to differentiate between looping and loop rolling, they're just 2 flavors of the same thing in SSL. ]
* You can browse through your loops by holding shift and using the bottom 4 buttons. The two on the left scroll left (from 9 toward 1) and the two on the right scroll right (from 1 -> 9).
--Bank 3 - Juggle Mode--
* Should be pretty self-explanatory from the png.
--Bank 4 - Sampler Controls--
* For each sample:
* Red button (left) is Play
* Green button (right) activates Start/Stop mode
* Shift-Red activates Hold mode
* Shift-Green activates Trigger mode
* The idea here is to generally default to Hold mode and use the Red button to fire off one-shots. When you want a sample to keep playing after you've started it (or before), you can tap the Green button while holding the Red, and the sample will continue playing as you release both buttons (because it's now in Start/Stop mode). Tap Red to stop it.
* No matter which mode you're in, you can shut off the sample by hitting Green then Red (in one motion). I find this useful to remember given that this mode switching isn't exactly intuitive, and I don't want to accidently get trapped in Trigger Mode.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
dustmight over 4 years ago
I just want to map some que points... How is this so hard to figure out lol???
nathan over 11 years ago
Ok, i imported using MFutil and SSL doesn't seem to recognize any functions at all, you mentioned deleting an XML file, is it in the _serato_ folder?
Thanks in advance.
btfaires over 12 years ago
And as always with SSL mappings, you should push your screen refresh rate as high as possible, since (for some strange reason) this is directly related to your midi latency.
Dj Headshot over 12 years ago
Hey, seems like not everything is working on this map. Can't get any of the loop/rolls to work, and the cue points seem to be set for both decks A and B, they don't set individually.
btfaires over 12 years ago
The xml looks like I intended. I don't suppose you had the same track loaded on both decks? Let me know how those ideas turn out, and I'll set up my Serato box again if I need to try to reproduce your issues.
btfaires over 12 years ago
I'll take a look. I'll warn you that I haven't used Serato in a couple months, but I'll check the xml file for duplicate entries. A couple quick thoughts though, in case the xml file checks out: - Did you import the mfs file through the mf_utility? - The loop rolling exploits a gimmick to save real estate. Did you see in the description how it works? - I might try shutting down SSL, deleting the backup xml, and then reimporting. I remember lots of weird behavior with Serato where it would try to keep backups, and depending on what parts it kept it could cause things to get screwy. I'll comment once I dl the xml and look at it.