4 Deck Stems + Effects
Description and Instructions
This mapping allows full 4-deck control of Stem tracks, including volume, filter, effects and VU feedback. Use the top bank buttons to select your target deck, then away you go! Please note – you must be in 4 effect units mode in traktor, this mapping makes use of effect unit 3 only.
Reset – This will reset everything back to the correct initial state for ALL decks at once.
Slot Volume – The 4 buttons in each vertical column control the 4 volume options per slot. From the top these go 100%, 70%, 40% & 0% (Full Kill)
Slot Filter – Hold down any button in the slot you want to filter then tip the 3d on the vertical axis - forward for high pass, backwards for low pass. You can filter any or all slots by holding down multiple buttons.
Effects – Hold down any button in the slot you want to effect then tip the 3d on the horizontal axis – right for a delay, left for a reverb. You can effect any or all slots by holding down multiple buttons. If you wish to change the effect or its parameters this is easy in the mapping or drop a comment below for help.
VU Feedback – This is taken directly from Stewe’s 4 Stem Deck VU Mapping (thanks Stewe!), take a look there for more info: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/4768
Bonus feature – ‘Switch’ Mode!
I found fairly quickly that when mixing stems, I often wanted to switch out the parts of two tracks simultaneously. So I might have the drums off on Deck A and full on Deck B and want to switch them over. Enter ‘switch’ mode!
Hold down the switch button on either side and then select either 100% or 0% for any slot. The corresponding slot in the other deck will be set to the opposite level. E.g:
- hold down switch and press the top left button in Deck A it will set Deck A Slot 1 to 100% and Deck B Slot 1 to 0%.
- hold down switch and press the bottom left button in Deck A it will set Deck A Slot 1 to 0% and Deck B Slot 1 to 100%
This will work for any slot. Deck A always switches with Deck B, and Deck C always switches with Deck D. Please note that the 40% and 70% buttons do not support the switch modifier.

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