mapping xdi rx 2.0 whit traktor 2.10.1

Description and Instructions

Mapping for xdi rx 2.10 version Traktor pro 2.10.1 full mapping

Mixer in midi mode

1: play

2: cue

3: seek position <—-

4: seek position —->

5: track up

6: track down

7 button deck a unit effect 1 on off

7 button deck b unit effect 2 on off

8: flux button  deck a 

8: flux button deck b

9: loop in set

10: loop out

11: loop active on off

12: loop half

13: loop double

14: deck left not mapping

14: right deck record on off

15: jog touch

16: pitch bend

17: deck a zoom waveform

17: deck b volume rekord

18: vinyl on off

19: sync on off

20: set at tempo master

21: tempo range

22: key on off

23: tempo

24: hot cue

28: hot cue 1

29: hot cue 2

30: hot cue 3

31: hot cue 4

27: press to delete hot cue

25: loop

28: loop 1

29: loop 2

30: loop 4

31: loop 8

26: loop

28: loop 1/16

29: loop 1/8

30: loop 1/4

31: loop 1/2

32: volume master

33: effect one left right  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

34: effect two left right   - when the key 59 60 and pressed

35: effect tre left right  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

36: filter on off

37: headphones mini cue master

38: headphones volume

39: monitor cue left

40: monitor cue right

41: crossfader

42: volume left

43: volume right

44: filter left

45: filter right

46: low

47: mid

48: high

49: gain

46: level effect tre  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

47: level effect two  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

48: level effect one  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

49: dry wet  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

53: low

52: mid

51: high

50: gain

53: level effect tre  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

52: level effect two  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

51: level effect one  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

50: dry wet  - when the key 59 60 and pressed

54: folder preferred down

55: folder preferred up

56: library un and down and pressing only browser 

57: load track left

58: load track right

59: switching effect rack 1

60: switching effect rack 2

61: full screen on off

62: cut track record 

new insert : when pressing key 59+39 assign crossfader left to deck a

                   when pressing key 60+40 assign crossfader right to deck b

download instructions

my mapping and created from scratch!

beware of imitations and scripts!

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.2.0
Dem Man about 7 years ago
Hi this seems to work fine apart from the Jog Dial light displays, How do you adjust DDJ RX Jog Dial light displays? as they are 2 to 3x faster than usual,please contact me at Thanks in advance