ablahblah's CMD Plus Mapping

Description and Instructions

This is a quad deck mapping to be used with 2 FX banks. It's designed to extend off of the original MM-1 and PL-1 mappings, offering a pretty feature filled setup whether you want to run 1, 2, 3, or 4 PL-1s with a single MM-1. The mapping is set purely in All Channel mode; this means if you didn't change the channels on your mm1 or pl1 out of the box, it should work natively. You do not have to change anything to swap between deploying 1, 2, 3, or 4 PL1s, the mapping doesn't care. Having all the controllers in All Channel mode has the advantage of being able to accidentally unplug your stoof during a set; if you plug it back in, the controller should still be broadcasting on the right channels, so you should be able to recover immediately without having to fiddle with the in ports. You may need to fiddle with the out port on the mapping to refresh the output on the PL-1s though.


v1.0.0 is out! The mapping to me is stable enough for performance use. All four decks are implemented. As always make a backup of your config before you do any weird importing around.

To load the mapping, just download it, open Traktor, navigate to Settings(Cog Icon)->Controller Manager->Add->Import TSI->Import Other and select the .tsi file.


It's probably best if you watch the video description to see how the mapping works. It's designed to be fairly intuitive, it just has a lot of things lying around. For text reference, you can read the mapping explanation below:




The MM-1 is fairly straightforward. The knobs are configured from top to bottom as highs, mids, lows, and filter. The filter will always turn itself on when you turn the knob. Channel faders are channel faders, crossfader is crossfader, cue level and cue mix are what they say they are. Out 1 corresponds to master output, Out 2 corresponds to Microphone. Cue buttons correspond to headphone cue and will light up to indicate.


By default the main VU meter displays master output. If you hold the center shift button and press one of the Cue buttons, the VU meter will temporarily change to show that channel's output. The Cue button will beatphase to indicate this state. At this time the High EQ knob corresponding to that channel will change to adjust gain (i.e. the other channels still adjust highs normally). Releasing the shift button or selecting another channel will return that channel's High EQ knob to normal function. That knob is also on soft takeover for both High and Gain modes to avoid jumps.


By default the [1] and [2] buttons control FX 1 and 2. Holding the center shift button changes this functionality to Key; 1 will lower the key one step, 2 increases it. [1] or [2] will light up blue to indicate which way the knob is facing in Traktor; both will stay orange if the knob is centered.




The PL-1 mapping is broken up into quite a few modes that change its functionality.

To get straight to the meat, Scratch and Tap are now shift buttons. I usually run my decks hot (in Vinyl, Scratch, whatever mode you call it), and I rarely use Tap tempo as I just prep my tracks beforehand or fader ride a track if the beatgrid is totally wrong.


Without touching any of the shift buttons, you have a fairly standard PL-1. The jogwheel, cue, and play buttons perform normally, as well as the pitch fader, load, pitch lock, and hotcue buttons. The hotcues are slightly modified; 2 through 8 maps to hotcues 2 thru 8 in Traktor, but the [1] button on the PL-1 now acts as a Delete button; hold it down and press one of the other hotcues to delete. The reason is because hotcue 1 is usually your grid, and you don't want to accidentally delete it mid set. The Sync button now by default does a Tempo Sync. The <<, >>, -, and + buttons are all changed; I rarely use the seek buttons (there's been something added to fix that :) later on), and I rarely use pitch bend, just preferring to use the pitch fader. << now does Loop In by default, >> does Loop Out, - does Loop Set, and + toggles Loop Active On. The mapping is actually rigged so that if you have a loop active and looping, you can adjust Loop In and Loop Out points with the jogwheel. Simply press Loop In or Loop Out mid-loop to enter adjustment mode; the active button will beatphase to indicate itself to you, and you can swap back and forth between in/out while this mode is active. Exit by pressing the beatphasing button; it should also automatically exit if you hit Loop Set or Active On to terminate the loop.


Also a note on Load; I've done a slight trick in the mapping to enable you to duplicate a track on any deck to any other deck at will. Hold down the shift button on the MM-1, and press the Load button on any PL-1 to select the source (it'll hold its blue color). Still holding down the MM-1 button, press the Load button on the target PL-1 to copy the track over. This is a bit different than the Serato "instant double" trick, because you can now copy Deck A to Deck C, or Deck B to Deck D. You can do this with a single PL-1 as well, just change between the deck pages as you normally would with the shift button held while you indicate source and destination.

Also, as of v0.6.0, you can indicate Tempo Master using the Load button as well. Hold the MM-1 shift button and press the load button on the target deck twice. Be careful not to accidentally duplicate a track if you mess up; remember to let go of the MM-1 shift button and retry again if you indicate the wrong deck somehow.


As I said before, Tap is a shift button. If the Tap shift mode is on, the hotcues will change to help you with autoloops. I've messed a little bit with the usual way you'd do an autoloop to make Loop Rolling a bit easier to map, so eh, bear with me haha. With Tap on, 1,2,3,4 will set the loop size to 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, and 1, respectively. This will not turn on the loop. You turn the loop on with the Loop Set button from before (that's the - button) (some of you may be able to see where this is going :) ). If the track is playing keep in mind Loop Set is on Hold mode; it'll only set the start/end of the loop, but won't actually turn it on, so you'll need to hit Loop Active On  (the + button). This kind of way of doing loops is interesting though, since it lets you tap in a loop with Loop Set, similar to how you'd tap in the Cue button. Additionally, 5 and 6 will halve and double the loop size, respectively. 7 and 8 in this mode will perform -4 and +4 beatjumps, should you need it in your set.


As I said before, Scratch is also a shift button. The Scratch button is also tied to Flux Mode, and will turn blue to reflect that. It's a moody shift button and might take a few taps to resync if you've turned on Flux Mode manually with the mouse mid-set. If the Tap shift mode isn't on, then that means your hotcues still do hotcues, and you can do your normal Flux mode hotcue jumps. If Tap is on, then when you hold down Loop Set, you can execute Loop Rolls. A note on how I have it set up, 1-4 gives you quick roll options, but when Flux isn't on, the idea was to use 5 and 6 to select larger autoloop sizes.  Regardless of tap, you can use the jogwheel to do Flux spinbacks, holds, and such.


Side note/features for holding down the buttons. Holding down Scratch or Tap change some functions. I said before Sync normally does Tempo Sync. If you hold Scratch, Sync will toggle full Sync on and off. If you hold Tap, Sync will do a Phase Sync instead. Additionally, if you hold Scratch, Play/Pause changes to do Cue Play, and if you hold Tap, Cue changes to jump to the start of the track. It was kind of intended for Scratch to be a performance mode button, while Cue acts as kind of a loop/grid/prep/freeze button.


Additional side note. If you hold down Tap, the hotcues will briefly give you the ability to modify your grid mid-set. The intent is more that you'll flip back and forth on the Tap modes, not actually holding the button unless you need to modify your grid on the fly. If Tap is held, the 1-8 button functions change as follows:

8 is designed to reposition your beginning grid marker. It does this by deleting cue point 1 on press, and setting a grid point on release.

7 lets you tap in the BPM of the track.

4 will flash with the BPM of the track; pressing it will call Traktor to autogrid the track.

3 will light up if there's a significant phase difference between this track and the Master track…if you hit it, it'll align your grid so that there is no phase difference. A situation where you might use this: you have 2 tracks at 128 bpm and you can hear that they're in sync, but the grid is not and the phase meter shows a phase difference. Press 3 to sync up the grids.

5 and 6 will nudge your grid left and right, respectively.

1 and 2 will increase and decrease your BPM, respectively (it's flipped for a reason, try this out).

If you press any of the hotcue buttons, the Tap button will return itself to the function BEFORE you pressed it; i.e., it will not complete a Hotcue to Seek.  The idea is that if you held Tap to do seek, you might not want it to switch (and have to press it again).

Finally, if you hold down Tap, as of the v0.1.1 release, the jogwheel will now do track Seek. Found out that I kind of need this when I load in another track. Edit: As of v0.5.0, the jogwheel will actually move in beatjumps of 4 beats in this mode. Similar to before, just more precise. A word of caution, I implemented it so that if you start beatjumping like this, Tap will not flip to hotcue/loop when you release. i.e. you press tap on hotcue mode, do your beatjump with the jogwheel, release, voila Tap will still be on hotcue mode.

If you do Track Seek also, the Tap button will again, return itself to the function BEFORE you pressed it; i.e., it will not complete a switch from Hotcue to Seek.


If you hold Scratch then hit Tap (in that order), you get a third (ha) shift layer. This will turn Freeze Mode On, and the only way to turn it off is to hit Tap again. Note that Scratch is doesn't turn it on or off, you can still use it to toggle Flux Mode on and Off mid Freeze. The 1 through 8 buttons will intuitively change to reflect the 8 Freeze Slices, and the <<, >>, -, and + buttons will all change functionality for this mode. << and >> will now perform a Loop Move, allowing you to shift your Freeze around, and - and + will half and double the loop size. A side note on Freeze Mode; the functionality totally changes if you enter WITH a loop active and WITHOUT one! This is just the way that I found that Freeze Mode works. The traditional workflow would be like this; flip Tap on, select a reasonable loop size like 4 (buttons 5 and 6), drop it with Loop Set (-), activate it with Loop On (+), engage Freeze Mode (Scratch->Tap), and have at it. If you engage it without a loop on, you will still enter Freeze Mode, but it'll be a bit weird. You can't use Loop Move to move the Freeze around and I can't seem to adjust the freeze size, but if you hit - or + to try to half/double the loop, the freeze will move to follow the playhead. This lets you do some weird things, like basically having Serato's rolling slicer if you wish, or letting you basically call a temp cue point from long long ago. The entire time, remember you can flip Flux Mode on or off from within Freeze mode with the Scratch button.


Finally a thing with the Pitch Fader. It operates normally unless you hold Tap and press Lock. This key combo was deliberately picked because you'll rarely hit it. In this mode, the pitch fader will basically be a needle drop. It'll scroll through the track, and the LED will follow. This should soft takeover, if it doesn't please let me know because Stewe mentioned a possible bug with this. If you continue to press Lock while holding Tap, this will cycle through 4%, 8%, 16%, 50%, and 100% fader ranges; it'd be a good idea to have the Pitchfader Range displayed on your Settings -> Track Decks -> Deck Header so you can see this in real time.


Last thing are FX. Nothing special, the knob/button combo was enough for me. Top four controls FX unit 1 D/W, effects 1 2 3, bottom controls FX unit 2 DW, effects 1 2 3. The PL-1s have this sync'd across all four decks; I'm leaving it as is in the current implementation because I like being able to run them in All Channel Mode. May make a dedicated 4 FX unit mapping in the future though.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
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