Touch OSC for Traktor (Replica Kontrol X1 MK2)

Description and Instructions

Download the controller from this link here:

I made this mapping for Touch OSC on an iPad. I wanted it to mimic, as close as possible, the same functionality of using 2 Traktor Kontrol X1 MK2. I wouldn't use this as a primary controller, however it might work well as an emergency back up controller if your equipment gets lost or damaged. At least that's my plan for it. Below is a list of functions that aren't shown in the picture.

Effect Preset Selection

-Shift + Select Preset 1 = Beat Masher, Filter, Reverb
-Shift + Select Preset 2 = Event Horizon, Filter:94 Pulse, Delay
-Shift + Select Preset 3 = Beat Masher, Delay, Transpose Stretch
-Shift + Select preset 4 = Beat Masher, Formant Filter, Iceverb


-Up/down = Browse List
-Shift + Up/Down = Browse Tree

Delete Hot Cue

-Shift + Hot Cue 1-8 = Delete Selected Hot Cue

Monitor Cue

-Shift + Load Track button = Monitor Cue On

If you have any question pertaining to this specific mapping do not hesitate to ask.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.2.0
cesar about 10 years ago
adnan over 10 years ago
the Tsi file is missing
beatonstage over 10 years ago
you can also convert CABD? (Rather than ABCD)
Richard Schaub over 10 years ago
i cannot send you a message. I cannot figure out how to add the mapping to both the iPad app and to Traktor. I have never added maps to the app. I followed the instructions of adding it through iTunes, but this xml file looks different than all of the others. should i just change the extension?
Bryce Vercruysse over 10 years ago

If you delete the ".xml" off the end of the downloaded file you saved to your computer, you should be able to add it to Traktor. It should look like this iPad_Touch_OSC_2.0.tsi If you need to download the actual controller, download it from this link: If you need help setting up your iPad to control Traktor watch this video, I use TouchOSC Bridge. If you have any other questions let me know.