Maschine Fusion S4: 4-deck cues, effects, remix control

Description and Instructions

Expand the cues, effects, and remix control of your Traktor setup with this mapping!

Control 8 hotcues for track decks A, B, C, D
Decks C and D can be used as remix decks
New remix set builder tool helps you assemble new sets quickly
Improved beat effects have beatmasher and gater effects with a filter
Built - in presets
Easy to edit FX presets
Included instruction manual

Copy and paste the link to watch the video:

Check out my other mappings and tutorial videos here:

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Comments for v2.6.5
erPuma almost 9 years ago
My knobs aren't working at all, any thought how can i fix this? Love the idea of this, NI should have implemented this ages ago.