Maschine + Mk2 mapping for Traktor 2.6.1
Description and Instructions
I've streamlined the workflow yet again, with simpler, more intuitive controls.
Groups A, B, C, and D now control cues and loops for decks A, B, C, and D.
This mapping includes 4 effects presets, basic effects knob controls for units 1 and 2, and a very cool loop / beat roll / echo section with beat phase output.
To add more expression to your hotcues, check out the pitch shifter page.
If you're using the 2.6.0 version of this mapping and you upgraded Traktor, you'll need this newer mapping to get everything working properly.
The download includes printable controller templates for Mk1 and Mk2 maschine, .tsi and .ncm / .ncm2 files, and a user manual.

Jeremy over 6 years ago
Demar watson over 8 years ago
josh about 10 years ago
Paulz1265 about 10 years ago
Hello Josh! Check the left display on your Maschine. It should show that you're using the Maschine Full Control template. In Traktor Preferences > Controller Manager, the In-Port and Out-Port should both say Maschine. If that doesn't work for you, try re-installing your Maschine driver software. I also have a newer version of this mapping here:
lkdsub0 over 11 years ago
Paulz1265 over 11 years ago
Thanks! You're probably right. Once the template is loaded, you should see "Mk2maschine261.ncm2" on the left screen. Once you have Traktor loaded up, hit one of the deck select buttons on Maschine. This will trigger Traktor to update LED light output to the controller. Once it's up and running, you may notice that some of the macro effects don't work. This is because the mapping may not load properly in 2.6.2. Simply go in to the mapping, arrange the items by "control", and fill in the "effect select" lines that are missing an effect. Example: effect 2 select, unit 3 may show up as "-", when it should be "strrretch". I'm working on a newer mapping for 2.6.2. Meanwhile, with a couple small corrections to the macro effects, this one should work great!
lkdsub0 over 11 years ago
Ok I found it: using the Shift button toggles the knob panel usage.
DJ FreeBass almost 12 years ago
Paulz1265 almost 12 years ago
After several versions of this mapping, I decided to use only filters for equalizer control. Full high-mid-low EQs would be cumbersome on maschine because knobs are laid out horizontally and you could only access EQ's for 2 decks at a time, if mapped.
DJ FreeBass almost 12 years ago
i emailed ya. let me know what you think.
Danny over 7 years ago
Hello can you help me with 1 thing I have the mapping I like it but how can I back to the old settings of maschine?