Traktor Mapping for Ableton Push

Description and Instructions

**UPDATE**  There is a new form of this mapping which includes all of this functionality, plus much much more!

This is a Traktor mapping for the Ableton Push.  The video is pretty thorough but let me know if there are any questions!
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.0.0
Rammonaut about 11 years ago
when i donload i only get a .xml file ... help pls?
dschroeter about 11 years ago

I just noticed that and it's on DJTT's side so I can't control it. I'm pretty sure you can rename it to a .tsi file (it's the same size) or download it from my Dropbox, or from Traktor Bible.

dschroeter about 11 years ago

*Link to Dropbox is in the video description

Oliver Dowie over 11 years ago
Thank you! You're a guru.
Maxwell Makoski over 11 years ago
Awesome mapping! I been spending most of my free time learning the ins and outs of this mapping (literally) and I was wondering if you would consider using the 1/32t, 1/32, 1/16t, 1/16 etc buttons as global "modes". as in the first wold be default mode, the second maybe a gridder, the third possibly an fx tab. You could even take the compatibility of your original design and spread it out over multiple tabs. With that you may be able to add more functionality per "mode". I realize this may need a complete redesign because the fx and loop modes are located on the edges but I think that would make this mapping a total beast. Even just keeping your current mapping on the first tab and adding more mode on the rest. Or even try experimenting with different mapping or release multiple versions. Dont get me wrong, I love your mapping and its given me a ton. Just some ideas I had to expand this mapping even farther. I would have loved to remix this mapping if I had the skills. Not many djs out there can map but Im stoked to learn. Awesome mapping, I completely love it and I think the work your doing is amazing. I realize how much work all these extra modes are but I think it would be really cool to pull off :) You really dont have to take this ticket but thanks! Keep up the good work!
SiddBlaq over 11 years ago
how do i set up this mapping on my Push controller and traktor?!
dschroeter over 11 years ago

1) Import the .tsi 2) Plug in the Push 3) Set the In and Out ports for the new controller mapping to midiin and midiout (Ableton Push) - not the main Ableton Push ports. 4) Schedule flight to Ibiza

Arnerd about 11 years ago

I need some help overe. I got this working for several hours, i was editing the mapping, wich went great. I dunno why, and what i was doing, but at sone point ableton crashed, and push stopped reacting, i could not go out of user mode. After some restarts, it went the other way around. I can now enter ableton mode, and go to user mode, but inthere i dont have any respons from push at all. I tried reinstalling traktor, reimporting, but still no luck getting my lights back on in user mode.

dschroeter almost 11 years ago

I don't know what you edited. Have you tried an unedited version? It seems to work for a lot of people.