Traktor Mapping for Ableton Push
Description and Instructions
Rammonaut about 11 years ago
dschroeter about 11 years ago
*Link to Dropbox is in the video description
Maxwell Makoski over 11 years ago
SiddBlaq over 11 years ago
dschroeter over 11 years ago
1) Import the .tsi 2) Plug in the Push 3) Set the In and Out ports for the new controller mapping to midiin and midiout (Ableton Push) - not the main Ableton Push ports. 4) Schedule flight to Ibiza
Arnerd about 11 years ago
I need some help overe. I got this working for several hours, i was editing the mapping, wich went great. I dunno why, and what i was doing, but at sone point ableton crashed, and push stopped reacting, i could not go out of user mode. After some restarts, it went the other way around. I can now enter ableton mode, and go to user mode, but inthere i dont have any respons from push at all. I tried reinstalling traktor, reimporting, but still no luck getting my lights back on in user mode.
dschroeter almost 11 years ago
I don't know what you edited. Have you tried an unedited version? It seems to work for a lot of people.
dschroeter about 11 years ago
I just noticed that and it's on DJTT's side so I can't control it. I'm pretty sure you can rename it to a .tsi file (it's the same size) or download it from my Dropbox, or from Traktor Bible.