groovemixer's edit of DJTT v2.1.2
Description and Instructions
This is a modified version of DJTT v2.1.2 mapping for the Vestax VCI-400SE EGE using Traktor Pro 2.6.1.
Details of the changes are in the download file.
Any questions or help you can provide please feel free to email me at: groovemixer@gmail.comĀ
Thanks to all the DJ Tech Tool team for all there hard work!!
nikolai almost 12 years ago
groovemixer almost 12 years ago
I want to add more when I get the time. Custom the instant FX etc
joeymeyer over 11 years ago
I am having trouble making to small edits to your mapping. I was wondering if you could make a tsi for me. The 2 changes to the mapping our for the jog wheels to behave like vinyl, I can not access vinyl control on the top of the platter, I like the nudge for pitch control on the sides but am trying to map out vinyl control for the top part of the platters. I was also wonderingif you could change the sample buttons to be sample re triggers instead of sample trigger /mute. I really only use the remix decks for 1 shots and am having trouble mapping this. The map is wonderful overall and I enjoy it more than the djtechtools map. Theres just to much going on in the other map its overwhelming. thanks again for your time
groovemixer almost 12 years ago
NP!! If you change anything let me know!