VCI-400SE Ean Golden Edition Mapping (groovemixer edit) (groovemixer edit)

Description and Instructions

Modified DJTT v1.1.2 mapping as follows:
  • Tempo faders set to direct and 8%
  • Loop encoders closest to the tempo faders are now set for fine tempo adjustment (each step of the encoder changes the tempo bpm by .01!!!) For these same encoders I added a shift button once pressed (find it a bit hard to get to the small shift button below the main volume knob and also the ones under the pads)  Also for these encoders I mapped them for fine loop adjustments once you’re in a loop and press shift, so basically you can push down on the encoder and turn it to fine adjust a loop (need to be in a loop for it to work of course)
  • Loop set and length encoders are now both the inner loop encoders closest to the eq mid knobs
  • I removed play/pause and use the play button as a re-trigger from cue pt.  Play buttons are now the inner ones closest to the cross fader and blink green/orange when in play mode and stay green when not in play mode. (makes it easy to find! LOL)
  • Cue buttons are just next to the play buttons and colors not changed. So when nothing is playing the cue is orange and the play green, so no mistaking the buttons!
  • I was so use to the S4 effect buttons that I kept messing up when using the ones on the 400 so I changed them as laid out on the software, so the dry/wet knobs are as they are on the software to the left followed by the other 3 knobs.
  • two buttons on top corners beside the effects are now mapped to tempo bend for decks A & B.  I need to work on decks C & D as  these buttons don't change code when decks switched to C or D (these buttons work as they did by pushing shift with them)

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.1.2
Stewe over 9 years ago
Please let us know what changes are made in this edit.