16Steps - Stepsequencer for Midifighter

Description and Instructions

!New Version with new name!


!This Version is no longer supported!

Step Sequencer for Midifighter 3D

  • Java-Midi-Engine by Hans Hübner: netzhansa.blogspot.de 
  • Ableton Live 9 with Max for Live 6 is needed
  1. Drag the 16Steps Sequencer in a free midichannel in Ableton Live
  2. Drag a drumrack in the same channel
  3. Have Fun! ;)
    Bank Side Buttons option has to be enabled!

Forum: forum.djtechtools.com/showthread.php?t=66809

Version 3.x
left side buttons
  • top: Instrument UP
  • mid: directly select an instrument
  • bottom: Instrument DOWN
right side buttons
  • top: launch clip 1-16 (if lock is closed also edit)
  • mid: directly select an instrument
  • bottom: edit clip 1-16 (if lock is closed also launch)

Version 2.x
  • left/right side-button 1: UP
  • left side-button 2: direct Instrument select
  • right side-button 2: change midi-clip (still a little buggy...not recommended for live use)
  • left/right side-button 3: Down
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v3.0.0
ZeroKuro over 9 years ago
Its Downloading But If the video is real Its F*king good
Filippo over 9 years ago
i've just downloaded the pack for my NI Kontrol F1. i'll try it soon and let you my impression. Please continue developing/supporting also the F1 Version!
andy.lekkman over 9 years ago
Hey, it is possible to make a script for the kontrol F1 too?? It would be great!
OPAQ over 9 years ago

ttps://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/4117 This one has experimental F1 support

OPAQ about 10 years ago
NEW VERSION HERE: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/4117
Mike Novelli about 10 years ago
Is this still Stable with Live 9.1.7? You are saying not to have any MIDI in or out for the Fighter3d in preferences and to just allow Max to somehow communicate with it on its own?
OPAQ about 10 years ago

yes, it uses a java class that runs within max to send and receive midi data. right now i am working on a version that doesn't use java anymore. instead it uses a special control surface i created to communicate with the midi fighter. that version will be much mor stable than the one right now but i need a little bit more time to get all the bugs out of it

Faris Abbas about 10 years ago

Will that work with the Spectra, cause I'm having problems only with the side buttons with this version?