Xone K2: portable RekordBox mapping

Description and Instructions


Since I had one of these units & tend to travel a lot, I went with a portable mapping for this Xone: K2.

I'm not exactly sure yet how to route the audio since there are not many options, still have to hook it up to a setup & give it a shot. If any of you have a few ideas about this, feel free to drop it :)

I'm using the Rekordbox autogain-function (implemented in each deck) - Tempo is adjustable with the channel faders. RekordBox MIDI doesn't allow rotary-buttons to the gain or tempo. Maybe this will be an option in the future where there will be more MIDI-options at disposal.

This is somehow a first draft, been playing around with it and it does feel quite convenient, any ideas?

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v5.5.0
Parth 7 months ago
Thank you so much. This is great!
Dustin 12 months ago
what is the volume cue button?
jonathan over 4 years ago
Hi, thank you I love that mapping. Did you try to midi map CFX ? I tried to change the EQ and Hotcue to use the CFX effects in Rekordbox without succes.
Buse over 4 years ago
Thank you so much
Tin over 4 years ago
hey, I actually just made this account to comment here. how did you map the backwards beat jump to your k2? I just have beat jump mode, beat jump pad 1 - 16, beat jump page right/left and beat jump bank right/left available for midi mapping... would really appreciate an answer. cheers