Reloop Mixtour Worxs, Mixer Effects, Tempo Control - TP3.2
Description and Instructions
New: Reloop Mixtour, The Worxs TP3.3
2 Deck + Mixer Effects + Tempo Control + FX Presets
Version 8: Preview Player now on the back button with scrolling using the Trax encoder. T + Play now set 4 beat Loop + Phase Sync + Tempo Sync. Shift + Cue or Sync is now in 32 beat jumps for Phrase mixing.
Version 7: With a loop enabled Encoder Turn whilst holding down T - Fine Loop adjust or with track playing and no loop beat jump forward and back by 1 beat. Also I have adjusted the line meters so they now match Traktor Pro 3 line meter. I will update the manual soon and do an overview video.
Version 6: Loop functionality. Flux Loop and Flux Loop rolls are now possible. Flux has to be activated before you set a loop. To set a loop, make sure your loop value is right as this will be set.
Make sure you have got you current environment secured before you load your download TSI file. In particular save your current TSI file using the “EXPORT” function of TP. Use the import TSI function (big Import button) in the preferences/controller-manager menu of TP and import the following options:
- Effect settings
Import two times as (I heard) this might be necessary to really inherit certain FX settings.
Now import using the add button on the controller menu and import the reloopmixtourworx.TSI
Double check all preferences after this to make sure everything meets your needs.
Let go to it:
This is for Deck A, Deck B is a mirror image.
T - Mode:
Loop = Loop Set
Shift + Loop = Loop size minus
Hold T + Loop = Loop Active
Back + Loop = Loop size 4
Sync = Sync
Shift + Sync = Loop size plus
Hold T + Sync = Master
FX on + Sync = FX unit 1, button 1
Cue = Cue
Shift + Cue = Beat Jump/ Loop Move - Loop Size
Hold T + Cue = Go to start of song
FX on + Cue = FX unit 1, button 2
Play = Play
Shift + Play = Beat Jump/ Loop Move + Loop `Size
Hold T + Play = Key Lock toggle
FX on + Play + Shift = FX Unit 1, Button 3
Hold Shift + T = Echo Out Toggle
C - Mode:
Hot Cue 1 = Hot Cue 1
Shift Plus Hot Cue 1 = Hot Cue 1 Delete
Hot Cue 2 = Hot Cue 2
Shift Plus Hot Cue 2 = Hot Cue 2 Delete
Hot Cue 3 = Hot Cue 3
Shift Plus Hot Cue 3 = Hot Cue 3 Delete
Hot Cue 4 = Hot Cue 4
Shift Plus Hot Cue 4 = Hot Cue 4 Delete
Hold C + Hot Cue 1 = Tempo - (small)
Hold C + Hot Cue 2 = Tempo + (small)
Hold C + Hot Cue 3 = Tempo Bend -
Hold C + Hot Cue 4 = Tempo Bend +
All the effects are transition effects apart from the Beat masher, so they generally lower the volume and take the track into the back ground by just turning the dry wet up. In my set up they are post fader.
Gain + FX Off = Gain
Shift + Gain = Auto Gain view
FX on & Gain = FX Unit 1, Dry Wet
FX on & Shift + Gain = A : Beat Masher + Filter 92 + Reverb B: Gater Filter 92 Lfo Iceverb
High = High
FX on + High + Shift = Fx Preset Beat Masher / Forment Filter / Reverb
FX on + High = Fx Unit 1: Knob 1
Mid = Mid
FX on + Mid + Shift = Fx Preset Delay T3
FX on + Mid = Fx Unit 1: Knob 2
Low = Low
FX on + Low + Shift = Fx Preset Filter 92
FX on + Low = Fx Unit 1: Knob 3
Filters, FX Mode + Trax
To use the echo out feature you need 4 fx decks engaged not 2.
Shift = Shift
FX = Mixer Effects On /Off.
T + FX = Circle through the mixer fx select.
Shift + FX = FX Mode On, Wet Dry Goes 0, Deck A FX1 on.
Please Note: When the Fx is deactivated it turns wet dry to 0 and turn FX1 off.
Filter = Mixer Effects Amount
Cue Volume = Cue Volume
Cue/Mix = Cue/Mix
Cue/Mix when echo out is engaged = FX4 Dry Wet + Knob 3
Load = Loads Track into Deck A + Turns Sync Off + Turns FX4 Off.
Load + Shift = Flux Mode
Cue Monitor = Cue Monitor A
Cue Monitor + Shift = Loads track into preview player and plays it. (On Deck B Fast forwards through the preview player).
Trax Encoder Rotate = scroll through list
Shift + Encoder Rotate = Scroll through tree
Push + Encoder Turn = Scroll through Favourites
Hold T + Encoder Turn = scrub through Track when Track is Stopped. Track playing Beat Jump +- 1, Loop engaged fine loop adjust.
Hold C + Encoder Turn = Change Tempo
Push Encoder = return to decks view
Hold C + Encoder Push = resets tempo + turns sync off
Up Fader = Volume A
Shift + Up Fader to up = Volume A + Play A
Shift + Up Fader to down = Volume A + A to Start of Song
Cross Fader with PFL switch = Cross Fader
Cross Fader with MST switch = Cross Fader
Back = Quantize
Shift + Back = Circling through layout views.

preston.outatime over 2 years ago
nas over 2 years ago
T4Tortilla almost 3 years ago
T4Tortilla over 2 years ago
* I think I've managed to fix it :) I just deleted any mappings that mentioned 'Browser Only On' and remapped some new ones minus the browser only functionality. Simples, actually...?
Yvo Mans over 3 years ago
jamus about 3 years ago
Hi, only just seen your question. 1. So you can edit the mapping you can delete the sync command mapped to the load button button. 2. You can toggle filter by pressing the blue FX button. Other than that its a Traktor issue with non Traktor controllers.
Rajat almost 4 years ago
gous almost 3 years ago
hey man did you fix the issue?
jamus over 2 years ago
Hi Check that you don't have other mappings loaded. Other than that delete the mapping and reinstall. Other possibility is when you are in FX mode the cue and play button will turn orange and control FX 1 & 2 buttons instead of Cue and play.