Hercules DJControl Starlight Mapping for DJAY
Description and Instructions

LowKi over 5 years ago
LowKi over 5 years ago
Excellent! I did it and my iPhone7 is seeing the controller but the controls are not functioning=[ Sorry I'm bothering you it's just that you are my only hope! Is there something I can do?
DJRoberts about 5 years ago
Lastest free DJAY iOs version seems to be compatible after you update the product on a Windows Computer by installing the latest drivers. https://support.hercules.com/djcontrolstarlight https://support.hercules.com/djay
LowKi over 4 years ago
Amazing bro thanks I'll give it a go
LowKi over 5 years ago
DJRoberts over 5 years ago
It should be possible as it is USB Midi compliant. But you need a Appplication that allow you to do the mapping manually. BTW, you will not have access to the Prelistening as it is not well supported on Android devices until now
Alan over 5 years ago
Same here I have and android tablet
Sifar almost 6 years ago
DJRoberts almost 6 years ago
Hi, First you need to check the MIDI device name on DJAY Pro. If Device Name in the Audio Settings is X-MIDI, instead of DJControl Starlight, you need to modify it manually in the Windows Registry. Change the Friendly nam here or somethings close to that to DJControl Starlight. (input) Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{504be32c-ccf6-4d2c-b73f-6f8b3747e22b}\##?#SWD#MMDEVAPI#MIDII_FFB72CA8.P_0001#{504be32c-ccf6-4d2c-b73f-6f8b3747e22b}\#\Device Parameters (output) Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses\{6dc23320-ab33-4ce4-80d4-bbb3ebbf2814}\##?#SWD#MMDEVAPI#MIDII_ED846E6B.P_0000#{6dc23320-ab33-4ce4-80d4-bbb3ebbf2814}\#\Device Parameters Then after you can relaunch DJAy, and you should have the correct name. The mapping file should be copy in the path closed to that : C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Packages\Algoriddim.djayPro_xxxxxxxxx\LocalState\Library\Algoriddim depending on your computer
DJRoberts almost 6 years ago
You can downlaoad the latest driver , it will update the controller Then after you only need to copy the file in this folder The mapping file should be copy in the path closed to that : C:\Users\MyName\AppData\Local\Packages\Algoriddim.djayPro_xxxxxxxxx\LocalState\Library\Algoriddim depending on your computer
Miguel A about 6 years ago
Miguel A about 6 years ago
They deleted the App djay pro in the AppStore for the Ipad. You know some way to download that app?
DJRoberts about 6 years ago
Hi, It seems that a new driver update is needed to make it works, because due to the backlight, it consumes a little too much power. By the way I think that until this is done I think it can be possible to use it with a Power USB Hub. I will recommend you to switch OFF the backlight during startup sequence of the device by pressing BASS/FILTER + PAD1
Alan over 5 years ago
Great help.. so djay pro is now pay monthly but at least it is back I need help mapping too kind regards djroberts, I have all the adapters and leads above..
DJRoberts over 5 years ago
May be this video can help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgx-erPQ0M4