C60 Tempus Remix

Description and Instructions

This mapping is swiped from the Akiyama Tempus mapping. Just a few minor tweeks.

Key points:

1. High speed jog wheel LED action.. jog wheel light spins one revolution per beat.

2. Beatjump buttons...

Shift+Cue 1 = beatjump -1
Shift+Cue 2 = beatjump +1

Shift+Cue 3 = beatjump - Loop
Shift+Cue 4 = beatjump +Loop
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
jl4441 over 8 years ago
Same than the basic official Akiyama map. The same problem of always here, not light at vumeters with pre-listen, and not light too with decks C and D. Any chance for fix these items?