[NEW] 4 Deck Key Adjust instead of Loop Recorder (TP 2.6)

Description and Instructions

This mapping utilizes the new default mapping for the S4 from Traktor Pro version 2.6 and overrides the Loop Recorder Knob and Buttons to allow you to adjust keys in all 4 decks.

The LEDs of the four buttons show you which deck is active for key adjustment

  • Size = Deck A
  • Undo = Deck B
  • Rec = Deck C
  • Play = Deck D

When no deck is active (no LEDs flashing) the Loop Recorder knob does nothing (overriden)
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.0.0
Vitor N about 11 years ago
Thanks to "oakich" for sharing this mapping. Initially, it did not work well, but then I deleted the original "Taktor Kontrol S4 Dejault" and it worked almost perfect !!!
Almar Hijlkema about 11 years ago
I was looking for a few month for a way to use the Key-button on the software via the S4 controller. I think this is one of the missing controlling features on the S4, so I am glad you made this happen. Thanks for that! After downloading and installing at first I could not figure out how it worked. This was because I did not think about the dry/wet knob (it's not in your description). Now It works fine and does what Traktor should have done :-) Question; As I sometimes like to use the Loop recorder also... is there a way to toggle between your cool feature and the 'normal' loop recorder?
Almar Hijlkema about 11 years ago

By the way; I am using Traktor 2.6.4. and all seems to work fine!

MY S3L3CTOR over 11 years ago
Hey Oakich great mapping. Can you help me with just one issue i am having? When i import this map alongside the default S4 mapping. ( I have altered a few effects knobs and buttons but not using up any modifiers or messing with the loop recorder section ) It seems to give me the key adjusting abilities which i am looking for but it doesn't override the default loop recorder. So i will be adjusting the key and then suddenly i am playing a loop lol. Please help me with this if you when you get a chance i'd love to be able to utilize the key adjust feature in this fashion.
Tawane almost 12 years ago
I loved this mapping with Traktor 2.6.0 ! But it does not work with the new 2.6.1, which bring keys detection. Did I miss something ? Or do you plan to update this mapping ?
Tawane almost 12 years ago

Sorry for that, I had not select the true In-port. If I choose "KontrolS4" in In-port combobox, this mapping works perfectly with Traktor 2.6.1. I can't delete my comment (DJTT bug ?), so sorry for my first comment...