Pioneer XDJ-RX2 - 2 Deck + Effect by Max Fortunato

Description and Instructions

Mapping for XDJ-RX2 for Traktor Scratch Pro 2.11.2 - 2 Deck with effect by Max Fortunato
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Comments for v0.1.0
Emmanuel over 5 years ago
En traktor pro 3 es inestable, alguien podrĂ­a ayudarme y proporcionar un tsi que trabaje para traktor pro 3, gracias
Manuel Montano Jr almost 6 years ago
please help me how to map the xdj-x2 to Traktor
DazeJar over 6 years ago
I didnt use RX2 yet, but on RX1 for headphone cue you have to use the mixer on RX mode. Headphone cues doesnt work on midi mode mixer. So you have to use only the players on midi mode and the mixer on RX mode. Thats how the headphones work for me on RX1. Maybe it'll work in RX2 the same.
Javier over 6 years ago

How do you use the players in midi and the mixer on RX Mode? I dont know to configurate it

Anomal about 6 years ago


djitouch over 6 years ago
We are waiting new update. Thanks.
Curlinger almost 7 years ago
Can you add the Cue for the headphones please? thx