Remix Deck very Basic (David edit) (David edit) (David edit)
Description and Instructions
This Mapping is still a work in progress but still a good start point for those wanting to use this controller with a remix deck in traktor and arnt afraid to map yourself
Ok so with this mapping so far you can trigger every cell in one remix deck with no need for modifier buttons :) in the case of this mapping its deck A
1) 1 program can trigger all samples on one page example if i have program 1 selected on the lpd on bank A(or when the bank button is lit green) you can trigger the first 8 samples on the page,then click the bank button to bank B(or when lit red)you can trigger the bottom 8 of the page and program 2 is page 2 in traktor so on and so forth
2)The bottom right knob is always the page view selector no matter which program and the top 4 knobs are always the slot levels nomatter which program
3)Most importantly you will need to edit the lpd 8 from the editor as default all programs the pads are the same also the encoders
but i will include mine so all you have to do is load them then send them to there correct program number :)
if you use my lpd programs,Program number 4 the midi notes are set to be able to play the filter of the Xfer LFO tool as you would if you routed midi from a keyboard :D so enjoy and i will upload updates as i continue this mapping

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